
(Office): Rm EG01A, East Block, Science Centre
(Lab): ---

People YKM


(Office): (852) 3943 4449
(Lab): ---

Fax (852) 2603 5745, (852) 2603 5646
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2000 MPhil (Molecular Endocrinology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1996 BSc (Biology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong


  • 2012-Present Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2011-2012 Instructor I, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2010-2011 Instructor II, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2005-2010 Instructor II, Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2002-2005 Technician, Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 1998-2002 Research Assistant, Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 1996-1998 Graduate Assistant, Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Interests

  • Molecular Biology
  • Endocrinology
  • Popular Science Promotion
  • Learning and Teaching Methodologies  

Representative Publications

  • Yam, K.M. (2018) “Engaging students in self-reflection and peer teaching and learning through the use of video records of individual's laboratory performance”. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings. IATED. Palma de Mallorca: pp.5589-5597.
  • Yam, K.M. (2017) “Video submissions aid students grasp the spread plate techniques better”. In: EDULEARN17 Proceedings. IATED. Barcelona: pp.1561-1569.
  • Yam, K.M. (2017) "Carrots and sticks received for various uses of uReply in different courses". In: uReply User Forum 2017. CLEAR, CUHK. Hong Kong. p.3 (Abstract)
  • Yam, K.M., Hui, J.H.L. and Chu, K.H. (2015) “Tertiary education of evolutionary biology in asia”.  In: Biology Education and Research in a Changing Planet: Selected Papers from the 25th Biennial Asian Association for Biology Education Conference. Esther Gnanamalar Sarojini Daniel 1st ed. Singapore: Springer-Verlag Singapur: pp.81-86.
  • Yam, K.M. and Cheung, S.L. (2012) “Students’ performance at a glance: A handy matrix to summarise students’ choices in a problem set with tens of MCQs - A useful tool for an effective tutorial class of over 200”.  In: Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2012. CUHK. Hong Kong: p.25. (Abstract)
  • Lam, H.M., Lam, L.C.P., Tse, K.S.C., Yam, K.M., Cheng, G and Wan, T.F. (2007) e-Learning to enhance knowledge, skills and attitudes in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering. Expo: Excellence Online CLEAR, CUHK. (poster)
  • Wu, C., Ma, Q., Yam, K.M., Cheung, M.Y., Xu, Y., Han, T., Lam, H.M. and Chong, K. (2006) In situ expression of the GmNMH7 gene is photoperiod-dependent in a unique soybean (Glycine max [L] Merr) flowering reversion system. Planta 223: 725-735.
  • Lam, H.M., Wong, P., Chan, H.K., Yam, K.M., Chen, L., Chow, C.M. and Coruzzi, G. (2003) Overexpression of the ASN1 gene enhances nitrogen status in seeds of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 132: 926-935.
  • Yam, K.M., Yoshiura, Y., Kobayashi, M. and Ge, W. (1999) Recombinant goldfish activin B stimulates gonadotropin-Iβ but inhibits gonadotropin-IIβ expression in the goldfish, Carassius auratus. Gen Comp Endocrinol 116: 81-89.
  • Yam, K.M., Yu, K.L. and Ge, W. (1999) Cloning and characterization of goldfish activin βA subunit. Mol Cell Endocrinol 154: 45-54.


  • 2009-2017, Outstanding Docent Service Award, Hong Kong Observatory
  • 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, Outstanding Volunteer Service Award, Hong Kong Observatory
  • 2005-2007, 2017-2018, Best Service Award, Hong Kong Science Museum
  • 1996-2018, Docent Merit Award, Hong Kong Science Museum
  • 2014-2015 Honorary Award, Hong Kong Science Museum
  • 2004-2005, Docent Long Term Service Award, Hong Kong Science Museum
  • 2000-2001, Docent 5 Years' Meritorious Award, Hong Kong Science Museum


Voluntary Services on Popular Science Promotion
2011-present Committee Member, Friends of the Observatory, Hong Kong Observatory

2009-present Docent, Hong Kong Observatory
1996-present Docent, Hong Kong Science Museum

Advisory and Adjudication Services
2017-present Member, Judging Panel, “Searching for Nature Stories” jointly organized by School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Science Education Section, Education Bureau and Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen).

2008-present Member, Initial Judging Panel, Biology and Chemistry Group, "Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition" jointly organized by Innovation and Technology Commission, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Education Bureau and Hong Kong Science Museum.
2010 Guest adjudicator, Background Music Composition Competition for YouTube Weather Video organized by Hong Kong Observatory.
2005-2006 Advisor, Biology and Biochemistry Group, "Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition" jointly organized by Innovation and Technology Commission, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Education and Manpower Bureau (now Education Bureau) and Hong Kong Science Museum.

Consultancy Services on Learning and Teaching Resource Development
2008-2009 Development of learning and teaching resources for the compulsory module "From Genes to Life" of the Integrated Science (S.4-6) curriculum for Education Bureau

2006-2007 Production of learning & teaching resources for the module "Water for Living" with emphasis on Science-Technology-Society-Environment issues related to water for Education Bureau

Training Services
2012 Trainer, Docent Training Scheme 2012 organized by Hong Kong Science Museum

2011 Guest speaker, "NSS Integrated Science Curriculum Learning and Teaching Series (15): Compulsory Module "From Genes to Life" (Workshop) organized by the Education Bureau
2007 Mentor, "Soaring Dinosaurs-Chinese Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life"-Young Docent Scheme organized by Hong Kong Science Museum
2007 Trainer, Docent Training Scheme 2007 organized by Hong Kong Science Museum
2007 Guest speaker, "NSS Enriching Knowledge for the Integrated Science (S4-6) Curriculum (5)-Water for Living" Session 2 (Workshop) organized by the Education and Manpower Bureau (now Education Bureau)
2007 Speaker and organizing committee member, "小學生科學躍進計劃"之"自然科學營" jointly organized by the Hong Kong School Net and Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong





(Office): Rm 333B, Science Centre North Block

(Lab): Rm 127, Science Centre North Block

People LMF


(Office): (852) 3943 1393

(Lab): (852) 3943 1492

Fax (852) 2603 6510
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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1999 M.Sc., McGill University
1997 B.Sc., McGill University


  • Assistant Lecturer, School of Life Sciences

Research Interests

  • Cell biology
  • Signal transduction of G proteins 

Representative Publications

  • Liu AM, Lo RK, Guo EX, Ho MK, Ye RD, Wong YH. “Ga16 interacts with tetratricopeptide repeat 1 (TPR1) through its b3 region to activate Ras independently of phospholipase Cb signaling” BMC Struct Biol. 2011, 11:17.
  • Liu AM, Lo RK, Lee MM, Wang YC, Yeung WW, Ho MK, Su Y, Ye RD, Wong YH. “Ga16 activates Ras by forming a complex with tetratricopeptide repeat 1 (TPR1) and Son of Sevenless (SOS) cellular signalling” Cell Signal.2010, 22:1448-58.
  • Liu AM, New DC, Lo KH, Wong YH. "Reporter gene assays", Methods Mol. Biol., 2009, 486:109-23.
  • Liu AM, Lo RK, Wise H, Wong YH. “Activation of the prostacyclin receptor in human erythroleukemia cells leads to STAT3 phosphorylation via Gas and Ga16 hybrid signaling.” Cell Signal., 2008, 20:2095-2106.
  • Liu AM, Kam AK, Wong YH. “FPRL-1 receptor requires lipid raft, Src family tyrosine kinase, PI3K/Akt and ERK to activate IkB kinase in human U87 astrocytoma cells.” J. Neurochem., 2007, 103:1553-1566.
  • Liu AM, Lo RK, Wong CS, Morris C, Wise H, Wong YH. “Activation of STAT3 by Gas distinctively requires PKA, JNK and PI3K”, J. Biol. Chem., 2006, 281:35812-35825.
  • Liu AM, Wong YH. “Activation of nuclear factor kB by somatostatin type 2 receptor in pancreatic acinar AR42J cells involves Ga14 and multiple signaling components: A mechanism requiring PKC, CaMKII, c-Src and ERK.” J. Biol. Chem., 2005, 280:34617-34625.
  • Liu AM, Wong YH. “m-opioid receptor-mediated phosphorylation of IkB kinase in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells” Neurosignals, 2005,14:136-142.
  • Liu AM, Wong YH. “G16-mediated activation of nuclear factor kB by the adenosine A­1 receptor involves c-Src, protein kinase C, and ERK signaling.” J. Biol. Chem.2004, 279:53196-53204.
  • Liu AM, Somers NA, Kazlauskas RJ et al.. “Mapping the substrate selectivity of new hydrolases using colorimetric screening: lipases from Bacillus thermocatenulatus and Ophiostoma piliferum, esterases from Pseudomonas fluorescens and Streptomyces diastatochromogenesTetrahedron: Asymmetry 2001, 12:545-556.





(Office): Rm G83, Science Centre South Block

People FHLo


(Office): (852) 3943 5019

Fax (852) 2603 7732
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Ph.D., Chinese University of Hong Kong
B.Sc., Chinese University of Hong Kong


  • Lecturer, School of Life Sciences

Professional Service

  • Scientific review
  • Academic coaching
  • Career counselling

Research Interests

  • Biochemistry as the basis of life sciences;
  • Pedagogical methodology and technology of life science education;
  • Science education in multidisciplinary context;
  • Modern curriculum, learning outcome, student oriented teaching, and competence assessment theories.

Representative Publications

  • ACK Lee, CSY Ma, JJS Chan, BSW Mak, PHK Ngai, & FH Lo. Effects of virtual reality implementation on university students learning motivation and performance in a life science laboratory class. Proceedings of TERA 2021.
  • FH Lo, QPY Lau, ALP Kong, AKL Yiu, & PC Shaw. Flipped classroom for biochemistry laboratory class. Proceedings of IUBMB Education Conference 2019.
  • FH Lo, RMF Lee, RHL Szeto, CKM Mak, SK Kong, & PHK Ngai. eLearning with virtual reality in Biochemistry education. Proceedings of eLearning Forum Asia 2019.
  • FH Lo, SK Kong, & PC Shaw. Development of a virtual laboratory for the teaching of immunohistochemistry. Proceedings of Lilly National Conferences-Designing Effective Teaching 2018.
  • KC Leung, FH Lo, CLY Cheng, & PHK Ngai. Development of hardware modules for DNA amplification for New Senior Secondary School (NSS) Biology teaching and learning - learn by constructivist approach. Proceedings of Knowledge Exchange Conference 2011. 


  • Poster award (Educational Technology Innovation) for the poster presentation titled ‘From Virtual Reality to Mixed-Reality: Application of Extended Reality Technologies for Biochemistry and Cell Biology Education’ during the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021 organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 26-30 July 2021.
  • Third place winner in the scientific poster presentation for the poster presentation entitled ‘Blended Education with Mobile Apps for Biochemistry Education’ during the IUBMB 2019 Education Conference and 46th PSBMB Annual Convention with the theme ‘Harnessing Interdisciplinary Education in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held at the Manila Hotel, Manila City, Philippines on November 13-15, 2019. 






(Office): Rm 526, Mong Man Wai Building
(Lab): ---

People YPS 


(Office): (852) 3943 1358
(Lab): ---

Fax --- 
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web ---



2004-2006 Master of Public Health, Benedictine University, IL USA
2000-2004 Bachelors of Science, Utah State University, UT USA


  • Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, CUHK HK
  • Cabinet member, S.H.HO College, CUHK, HK
  • Chair, Catering, High Table and Cultural Dining Committee, S.H.HO College, CUHK

Professional Qualifications & Memberships

  • Registered Nutritionist (Food, Public Health), Association for Nutrition, UK
  • Accredited Dietitian, Hong Kong Academy of Accredited Dietitians, HK
  • Member, Hong Kong Dietitians Association, HK
  • Registered Dietitian, Commission of Dietetic Registration, USA
  • Member, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, USA

Research Interests

  • Community and public health nutrition
  • Nutrition promotion
  • Nutrition and primary healthcare

Representative Publications

  1. Joyce Tik Sze Li, Vivian Wing Yan Lee, Janita PC Chau, Samuel YS Wong, Ann Lau, Wallace CH Chan, Peggy PS Yip, Yijian Yang, Fred Ku, Felix YB Sze, Irwin King. Interprofessional Education – Situations of a University in Hong Kong and Major Hurdles to Teachers and Students. Frontiers in Education. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.653738
  2. Yip PSP, Chan TFJ, He ZY, Leung LK, Leung SFS, Chen ZY. Quantification of breast milk trans fatty acids and trans-fat intake by Hong Kong lactating women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2020;74:765–774
  3. Yip PS, Chan VWY, Lee QKY, Lee HM. Diet quality and eating behavioural patterns in preschool children in Hong Kong. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2017;26:298-307

Conference Paper / Presentation

  1. Lee VWY, Chau JPC, Lai P, Wong S, Lau A, Wong W, Chan W, Yip P, Yang YJ, Ku F, Sze F. "Evaluation of the Feasibility, Acceptance and Educational Values of Interprofessional education at CUHK". 2020
  2. Yip PS, Chan VWY. 2013. Diet Quality of Children in Hong Kong. Abstract presented at the 8th Asia Pacific Congress on Clinical Nutrition, Japan
  3. Yip PS, Guldan GS. 2009. Computer-tailored healthy eating education improves nutrition knowledge. Abstract presented at the AODA Conference, Kuala Lumpur
  4. Arnold CS, Panther E, Yip PS, Behnke K, Moreschi JM. 2006. The Impact of the Fun, Food, and Fitness Camp for Children. Abstract presented at ADA FNCE Conference, Hawaii USA

Research Grants

  • 2017-2020, Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF), Quantification of Breast Milk Trans Fatty Acids and Trans Fat Intake by Hong Kong Lactating Women.
  • 2015-2017, Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF), Promotion of healthy lifestyle among middle-aged Chinese population in Hong Kong: An integrated approach using body fat measurement, brief counseling, and mobile apps.
  • 2013 – 2014, Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF), Healthy Eating and Active Living for the Elderly.
  • 2011-2014, Wyeth (H.K.) Limited, Eating Behavior and Diet Quality among Hong Kong Preschool Children. (Principal Investigator)
  • 2011-2012, Knowledge Transfer Unit (KTU), Transferring nutrition knowledge into practice by developing a website for public access. (Principal Investigator)
  • 2011, Audit Commission, Consultancy Assignment - Value for Money Audit on Food Labeling


  • Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, CUHK HK
  • Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, CUHK HK

External Services

  • Accreditation Assessor, Association for Nutrition, UK
  • Chair of Education and Training Committee, Hong Kong Academy of Accredited Dietitians, HK
  • Council Member, Hong Kong Academy of Accredited Dietitians, HK
  • Chairperson of Nominating Committee, American Oversea Dietetic Association
  • Member, Nominating Committee, American Oversea Dietetic Association




(Office): Room E109, Science Center East Block

(Lab): Room LG106 & 108, Run Run Shaw Science Building

People KBH


(Office): (852) 3943 6101

(Lab): (852) 3943 8039


(852) 2603 7246


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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2003 Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
1998 M.Sc. Seoul National University
1994 B.Sc. Seoul National University


  • 2024                 Professor, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2015 - 2024      Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2013 - 2015      Associate Professor, Microbiology and Cell Sciences, University of Florida
  • 2007 - 2013      Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Cell Sciences, University of Florida

Research Interests

  • Plant Cell Biology – We examine biogenesis and functions of secretory organelles and plastids in plant cells using molecular biological tools and multiple microscopy methods.
  • 3D electron microscopy – We utilize electron tomography to investigate membranous organelles of eukaryotic cells. This advanced electron microscopy technique visualizes organelle structures at nanometer level resolutions in 3D.

Representative Publications

  1. Wang, P., Chen, X., Goldbeck, C., Chung, E., & Kang, B.-H. (2017). A distinct class of vesicles derived from the trans-Golgi mediates secretion of xylogalacturonan in the root border cell. The Plant Journal, 92 (4), 596–610.
  2. Kim, E.-D., Xiong, Y., Pyo, Y., Kim, D.-H., Kang, B.-H., & Sung, S. (2017). Spatio-temporal analysis of coding and long noncoding transcripts during maize endosperm development. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1383–14.
  3. Mai, K. K. K., Kang, M. J., & Kang, B.-H. (2017). 3D Printing of Plant Golgi Stacks from Their Electron Tomographic Models. In Plant Cell Morphogenesis (Vol. 1662, pp. 105–113). New York, NY: Springer New York.
  4. Gu, Y., Zebell, S. G., Liang, Z., Wang, S., Kang, B.-H., & Dong, X. (2016). Nuclear Pore Permeabilization Is a Convergent Signaling Event in Effector-Triggered Immunity. Cell, 166(6), 1526–1538.e11.
  5. Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., Liang, Q., Yin, X.-M., Miao, L., et al. (2016). Kinetics and specificity of paternal mitochondrial elimination in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature Communications, 7, 12569.
  6. Zhou, Q., Li, H., Li, H., Nakagawa, A., Lin, J. L. J., Lee, E. S., et al. (2016). Mitochondrial endonuclease G mediates breakdown of paternal mitochondria upon fertilization. Science, 353(6297), 394–399.
  7. Park, J., Cui, Y., & Kang, B.-H. (2015). AtPGL3 is an Arabidopsis BURP domain protein that is localized to the cell wall and promotes cell enlargement. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, 412.
  8. Xiong, Y., Mei, W., Kim, E.-D., Mukherjee, K., Hassanein, H., Barbazuk, W. B., et al. (2014). Adaptive expansion of the maize maternally expressed gene (Meg) family involves changes in expression patterns and protein secondary structures of its members. BMC Plant Biology, 14(1), 197–14.
  9. Lee, K.-H., Park, J., Williams, D. S., Xiong, Y., Hwang, I., & Kang, B.-H. (2013). Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth. The Plant Journal, 73(5), 720–732.
  10. Donohoe, B. S., Kang, B.-H., Gerl, M. J., Gergely, Z. R., McMichael, C. M., Bednarek, S. Y., & Staehelin, L. A. (2013). Cis-Golgi cisternal assembly and biosynthetic activation occur sequentially in plants and algae. Traffic 14(5), 551–567.

Research Grants

  • 2016-2019, Research Grants Council (Hong Kong), Electron Tomography Analysis of Chloroplast Biogenesis in the C3 Plant Arabidopsis and the C4 Plant Maize
  • 2015-2019, Rural Development Administration (South Korea), Structural analyses of chloroplast differentiation in a single cell C4 plant
  • 2011-2015, United States Department of Agriculture, Cell type-specific epigenetic gene regulation in developing maize endosperm


  • Invited Foreign Scholar, Microscopy and Cell Science, Global COE program, Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (2010)
  • Panel member, National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrument program (2010)
  • Invited speaker, International Microscopy Congress 17 (2010)
  • Finalist, Science in Art | Art in Science exhibition, University of Colorado Health Science Center and Denver Museum of Nature and Science (2006)
  • B.S. Summa cum laude, Seoul National University (1994)

Professional Activities

  • 2014 -     Editorial Board, Journal of Plant Research
  • 2011 -     Review editor, Frontiers in Plant Science (Plant Cell Biology)
  • 2007 -     Member, Microscopy Society of America
  • 2003 -     Member, American Society of Cell Biology
  • 2003 -     Member, American Society of Plant Biology