Academic Staff


Chan, Ho Yin Edwin 陳浩然
Biochemical and genetic studies of human diseases



Au, Wing Ngor Shannon 區詠娥
Molecular and structural biology
Chan, Michael Kenneth 陳文博
Protein Crystallography and Chemical Biology
Chan, Ting Fung 陳廷峰
RNomics and bioinformatics in biological processes and diseases; Platform development for structural variation detection and comparative analysis of complex genomic variation
Cheung, Chi Keung Peter 張志強
Structure-function of cell wall polysaccharides/dietary fiber; Fungal/mushroom bioactive substances; Prebiotics, probiotics and gut microbiome
Hui, Ho Lam Jerome 許浩霖
Insect and arthropod biology, cnidarians, invertebrates, animal-plant interactions, marine biotechnology, molecular ecology and conservation of biodiversity, evolutionary biology, genomics
Jiang, Liwen 姜里文
Plant cell and molecular biology; Protein targeting and trafficking in plant cells; Organelle biogenesis and function in plants; and Plant biotechnology
Kang, Byung Ho 姜秉昊
Plant Cell Biology; 3D electron microscopy
Kwan, Kin Ming 關健明
Genetic Control of Organogenesis in Development
Lam, Hon Ming 林漢明
Plant and agricultural biotechnology
Lau, Kwok Fai 劉國輝
Molecular neuroscience
Tsang, Suk Ying Faye 曾淑瑩
Stem cell biology and Cardiovascular physiology;
Wong, Kam Bo 黃錦波
Using structural biology (NMR, X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM) to understand the molecular mechanism of life; The maturation pathway of urease; Vacuolar sorting in plant cells; Protein Engineering, Design, Simulation and Modelling

Associate Professor

Chen, Sijie 陳斯杰
Fluorescent materials and fluorescence-based technologies
Guo, Dianjing 郭殿京
Computational and systems biology; and Plant genomics and metabolomics
Luo, Haiwei 羅海偉
Microbial evolution and ecology; genomics; bioinformatics
Ngo, Chi Ki Jacky 敖志祺
Structure-function relationship of macromolecules; Structure-based drug discovery; Kinase-substrate interaction and phosphorylation mechanisms
Tsang, Ling Ming 曾令銘
Phylogeny and genome evolution of crustaceans; Molecular ecology of marine invertebrates; Marine biodiversity, biogeography and conservation
Tsui, Tsz Ki Martin 徐子祺
Environmental pollution; ecosystem biogeochemistry; stable isotope applications
Wong, Wing Tak Jack 黃永德
Vascular and metabolic biology; Stem cell biology; and Cardiovascular regeneration
Zhong, Silin 鍾思林
Epigenetics and genomics; Hormone signaling network; Fruit ripening; and Sequencing technology

Assistant Professor

CHEN, Zhefan Stephen 陳哲凡
Neurobiology of primary cilium; Pathogenic mechanisms of human neurological diseases; Human stem cells and their neuronal derivatives
Chow, Hei Man Kim 周熙文
Metabolic changes in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia; Neuronal senescence and brain aging
Li, Cheng 李成
Starch structure-function relationships; Carbohydrates and health; Cereal chemistry and processing
Mcilroy, Shelby E. 麥瑞比
Ecology and Evolution of Coral Symbioses; The Impact of Anthropogenic Change on Marine Biodiversity.
Pittman, Michael 文嘉棋
Dinosaur-to-bird transition - feathered dinosaur anatomy, systematics, biology and evolution; Other dinosaur biology and evolution; Lagerstätten & fossilised soft tissues - imaging, geochemistry and palaeobiology
Thibodeau, Benoit
Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics; Stable Isotope Geochemistry; Anthropogenic impacts; Paleoceanography & paleoclimate
Wang, Guanqun 王冠群
Transcriptional regulation mediated by RNA modifications for the crop improvement; RNA modifications in regulation of crop hybrid vigor
Zhuang, Xiaohong 庄小紅
Autophagy and autophagosome formation in plants and green algae; Signalling mechanisms of selective autophagy in plant stress resistance; Lipid metabolism and membrane dynamics

Research Professor

Chen, Zhenyu 陳振宇
Food and Nutrition
Shaw, Pang Chui 邵鵬柱
Protein structure and function study; and Quality control and authentication of Chinese medicinal material

Research Associate Professor

He, Junxian 何軍賢
Hormone signal transduction and signaling cross-talks in plants; Plant stress resistance and application in agriculture

Research Assistant Professor

Cheng, Kaihao 程愷豪
Spectral biology in coastal health and food security; Precision agriculture and plant physiology; Ecological remote sensing; Coastal algal blooms and fecal pollution
Chui, Pui Yi Apple 崔佩怡
Impact of climate change on marginal coral communities; Interventions that might increase coral resilience; Coral restoration
Lao, Xiangzhou 勞祥周
Fluorescence microscopy; Fluorescent materials; Spectroscopy; Optical instrumentation; Cellular structures
Liang, Zizhen 梁子臻
Organelle dynamics in developing pollens; Plastid transformation in Arabidopsis cotyledon; 3D electron microscopy, cryo-electron microscopy
Zhai, Liting 翟麗婷
Structure-function study (using X-ray crystallography and Cryo-EM) of the molecular mechanism in bacteria and plant; Structural and functional study of suppressors of free1 in plant

Senior Lecturer

Chiu, Chi Ming Lawrence 招志明
Cell signaling in apoptosis; Reversal of drug resistance in cancer cells by targeting their apoptosis signaling pathways with bioactive molecules; and Applications of flow cytometry
Koon, Chun Alex 管進
Synaptic plasticity; Neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases; Drosophila neurobiology; Science communication; and Humour as a pedagogical approach


Kwek, Erika
Food Processing Technology and Product Development; Fat and Cholesterol Metabolism; Gut Microbiota Regulation
Li, Yuk Man Charis 李毓雯
Fat and cholesterol metabolism; Anti-aging and nutraceutical; and Food Toxicology
Law, Man Suet Michelle 羅文雪
Earthworm Ecology and Biodiversity; Soils and the Environment; Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Functioning; and Sustainability & Environmental Researches Management
Lo, Fai Hang 羅輝恒
Cancer and natural product research; Immunobiology; Molecular endocrinology; Neurogenetics; Wilderness medicine education
Ngai, Hung Kui 魏雄鉅
Protein biochemistry; Metabolic diseases
Siow, Lam Nina 蕭琳
Molecular and cellular neuroscience; cell signaling and gene regulation
Yam, Kwan Mei 任君美
Molecular biology; Endocrinology; Popular science promotion; and Learning & teaching methodologies
Yip, Pui Sze Peggy 葉珮詩
Community nutrition; Public health; and Nutrition education and promotion

Assistant Lecturer

Sin Man Ching Daisy 冼雯菁
Nutrition education and behavioral modification; Weight and chronic disease management; Food, health and environmental sustainability