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  本計劃由環境及自然教育基金資助、香港中文大學生命科學學院主辦、嶺南大科學教研組及尋花工作室協辦;將提供為期九個月的香港植物保育及教學活動。首階段將於 2024 年 7 月至 8 月舉辦野外考察和 STEAM 工作坊,讓學生體驗 3D 列印、認識植物繪圖和製作植物標本,既能認識本地植物生態,也可學習以科學及藝術角度探索和欣賞植物多樣性。

  第二階段將於 9 月至明年 2 月舉行,透過「校園植物保育計劃」,讓同學發揮創意去為本地植物設立行動計劃,身體力行去實踐學到的知識。通過計劃,學生可獲得幼苗於校園園圃種植本地原生植物,過程中更有專家可免費提供種植意見。此外,參與學校將可獲得資助去購買種植物資。最後,各學校小隊將會製作及參與 2025 年 3 月的成果展,向公眾展示保育計劃成果。

  • 學習生態及植物知識
  • 以科學及藝術探索和欣賞植物多樣性,例如體驗 3D 列印、認識植物繪圖、製作植物標本等
  • 在校園種植本地原生植物花園/園圃
  • 專家免費提供種植意見
  • 制定適合自己興趣的科學或藝術校園計劃
建議對象 中二至中四學生
名額 8 間學校,每隊 8–12人
活動主要語言 廣東話
費用 全免
報名截止日期 2024 年 6 月 11 日(二)
聯絡人 揭紫琪小姐 (Nicole) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



CUHK STEAM Plant Poster


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 香港中文大學 生命科學學院


 嶺南大學 科學教研組  尋花工作室


 嶺南大學 科學教研組  尋花工作室


Building Abbreviations
Area 39 (Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building)
BMS (Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building)
CKH (Ching Kai Hall, Basic Medical Sciences Building)
ELB (Esther Lee Building, Sin Wai Kin Hall)
LHC (Y.C. Liang Hall)
LSB (Lady Shaw Building)
MMW (Mong Man Wai Building)
SC (Science Centre)
YIA (Yasumoto International Academic Park) 


Date Time Venue Speaker   Seminar Title    Organizer  
Dec. 15, 2017 1130 - 1230 MMW 622 Professor Yonggui Gao
School of Biological Sciences
Nanyang Technological University
Protein biosynthesis with EF-G and its paralogs EF4(LepA)/BioA, and photosynthesis
with LCIB in CO2-concentrating mechanism
School of Life Sciences  
Dec. 12, 2017  1430 - 1530  SC L4  Dr. Erik Wong
Principal, Innovation and Program Management
EW Consulting
Ann Arbor, USA
Careers in Biomedicine:
do you have the right stuff
 School of Life Sciences  
Nov. 22, 2017 1230 - 1330 LSB LT5 Professor Winnie Wan-yee Tang Department of Environmental Health and Engineering Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University Maternal Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers: Changes in Offspring Phenotype and Epigenome  School of Life Sciences  
Nov. 16, 2017 1230 - 1330 LSB LT5

Professor Akbar John
International Islamic University

Impact of captivity on Asian horseshoe crabs - Problems faced and trouble shooting  School of Life Sciences  
Nov. 14, 2017 1630 - 1730 LHC 103

Professor Mathew White Senior Lecturer in Psychology Applied to Health & the Environment
European Centre for Environment & Human Health
University of Exeter Medical School

Risks and benefits to health and wellbeing from Hong Kong waters: Preliminary results of collaborative research between the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Exeter School of Life Sciences  
Oct. 25, 2017 1630 - 1715
Professor Daniel Schlenk
Professor Aquatic Ecotoxicology Department of Environmental Sciences University of California, Riverside
Integration of microRNA and messenger RNA networks in early life stages of mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) to determine mechanisms of developmental toxicity caused by Deepwater Horizon oil School of Life Sciences  


Oct. 25, 2017 1230 - 1330
Professor Xiaohong ZHUANG
Research Associate
School of Life Sciences The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mechanism of Autophagosome Biogenesis
in Plant
School of Life Sciences  

Oct. 20, 2017 1230 - 1315
Professor Elaine, Lai-Han Leung
SKL of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine
Macau University of Science and Technology
Modulation of cancer metabolism and Redox balance using Chinese herbal medicine School of Life Sciences  
Sept. 28, 2017 1030
MMW 710
Dr. Laura Falkenberg
Post Doctoral Research Associate
Section for Marine Biogeochemistry
and Oceanography
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Acidifying oceans:
How environmental change
may affect marine ecosystems
School of Life Sciences  
Sept. 21, 2017 1230 - 1315
Dr. Sascha Offermann
Institute for Botany
Faculty of Science
Leibniz University Hannover (LUH)
The single-cell C4 paradoxon: How can functionally and morphologically different types of chloroplasts develop and coexist within individual cells School of Life Sciences
Sept. 12, 2017 1630
Professor Gerard Evan, FRS
Department of Biochemistry
University of Cambridge
How Ras and Myc Cooperate to drive cancer School of Life Sciences  
Sept. 11, 2017 1630 - 1715
Dr. Andrew J Murray
Senior Lecturer
Department of Physiology
Development and Neuroscience
the WYNG Fellow in Natural Sciences at Trinity Hall
Cambridge University
Nitrate, Hypoxia and the Control of Oxygen Supply and Demand School of Life Sciences  
Sept. 8, 2017 1000  SC L1 

Professor Sibum SUNG
Associate Professor
Department of Molecular Biosciences
Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology
University of Texas at Austin

Mechanisms underlying temperature-triggered responses in plants School of Life Sciences  
Aug. 30, 2017 1100  MMW 703 

Professor NG, Wang Kit Danny
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Hong Kong Baptist University

How plant hybrids balance growth and defense?
Insights from Arabidopsis polyploid studies
School of Life Sciences  

June 21, 2017 1500 SC L1

Professor Jeng-Jiann CHIU, 

Roles of Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Vascular Repair and Hepatocarcinoma Intrahepatic Metastasis School of Life Sciences co-organized by the School of Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine) & RGC AoE Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function  

May 31, 2017 1100 SC 297

Dr Hsu Ching-Lung, Research Scientist, Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, Virginia, United States

Beyond action potentials: roles of voltage-gated sodium channels in neuronal input-output transformation across multiple timescales for hippocampal memory system School of Life Sciences  
May 11, 2017 1100 SC L3

Professor Tsang, Ling Ming, Associate Professor, Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan

Diversity and Evolution of Marine Symbiotic Fauna School of Life Sciences  

May 10, 2017 1430 SC 297

Mr Tinyi Chu, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, USA

Chromatin run-on reveals nascent RNAs that differentiate normal and malignant brain tissue BCH program, School of Life Sciences   

Apr 27, 2017 1430 SC L2

Professor Anderson Wong, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

Dual Role of Insulin in Spexin Regulation: Functional Link between Food Intake and Spexin Expression in Fish Modelseminar School of Life Sciences  

Apr 20, 2017 1230 - 1315 SC L2

Professor Hongtao Liu, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Evironmental signaling and plant development School of Life Sciences  

Apr 10, 2017
1030 - 1130 SC L1

Professor Chen Xuemei
HHMI investigator
Member of NAS (USA)
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
Institute for Integrative Genome Biology
University of California, Riverside

Mechanism of microRNA Degradation - an Unusual Role of an Argonaute Protein School of Life Sciences
RGC-AOE Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function
Centre for Cell & Developmental Biology

Apr 7, 8 and 10, 2017

Professor Peter WH Holland, Linacrre Professor of Zoology, Former Head of Department of Zoology, The University of Oxford 

1st Lecture

The Power of Evolution and the Path to Scientific Discovery

2nd Lecture

The Tree of Life: an Idea that Changed the World

3rd Lecture

Embryos, Evolution and the Homeobox: Why Animals are Similar and Different Yen Kwo Yung Lecture in Life Sciences

Jointly organized by New Asia College and School of Life Sciences, CUHK  
Mar 30, 2017 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Professor Xuelu Wang, Dean of School of Life Sciences, Huazhong Agriculture University, China  Brassinosteroid signaling network and plant development School of Life Sciences  
Mar 23, 2017 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Professor Kenneth MY Leung, Professor, School of Biological Sciences, HKU Something about a predatory gastropod: from eating soup to changing sex School of Life Sciences  
Mar 16, 2017 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Professor Alex Sai-Kit Law, Professor, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore The Origins of Death and Sex School of Life Sciences  
Mar 14, 2017 1000 - 1100 SC L5 Professor Sabeeha Merchant, Professor of Biochemistry, Director, Institute for Genomics and Proteomics, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Editor-in-Chief, The Plant Cell, Editor, Annual Review of Plant Biology, Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), Member of Leopoldina A Day in the Life of Chlamydomonas School of Life Sciences  
Mar 9, 2017 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Professor Jonathan M Adams, Seoul National University, Korea The hidden effects of tropical forest logging and conversion: a view from soil DNA School of Life Sciences  
Mar 8, 2017 1430 - 1700 SC297 Professor Michael Rychlik, Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry Technical University of Munich, Germany Using Stable Isotopes in Quantitation and Assessing Activity of Trace Compounds in Foods School of Life Sciences  
Feb 23, 2017 1430 LHC G03 Dr Simon Yung Wa Sin, Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Behavioural ecology of two highly olfactory species School of Life Sciences  
Feb 22, 2017 1530 - 1700 MMW706 Prof Cao Xiaofeng, Division of Life Sciences and Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences Dynamic Histone Methylation in Higher Plants School of Life Sciences  
Feb 9, 2017 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Professor John Giesy, PhD.  Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, University of Saskatchewan, Canada Chemistry and Toxicology of Oil Sands Process Affected Water School of Life Sciences  
Jan 20, 2017 1430 SC 297

Dr Nicholas Ching-Hai WU, Croucher Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, The Scripps Research Institute

Studying influenza A virus via high-throughput genetics School of Life Sciences  

 Jan 19, 2017 1100   Rm G02, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, Area 39

Professor Elizabeth De Lange, Leiden University, Netherlands

Predicting human brain pharmacokinetics and effects using translational modeling of rat microdialysis data  School of Life Sciences   

Jan 12, 2017 1230 - 1315 SC L2

Professor Timothy BONEBRAKE, Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences, HKU

Climate change, illegal wildlife trade and cumulative threats to tropical biodiversityseminar School of Life Sciences  


Building Abbreviations
BMS (Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building)
LHC (Y.C. Liang Hall)
LSB (Lady Shaw Building)
MMW (Mong Man Wai Building)
SC (Science Centre)
YIA (Yasumoto International Academic Park) 
Date Time Venue Speaker Seminar Title  Organizer iCalendar File
Nov 28, 2014 1230 - 1315
Professor Chris CK Wong
Department of Biology
Hong Kong Baptist University
Endocrine disrupting chemicals, the effects of exposure on metabolic disorders School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Nov 26, 2014 1500 - 1600
SC 297
Prof. Julia Chekanova
School of Biological Sciences
University of Missouri, USA
The Role of the Arabidopsis
Exosome Complex in Regulation of Gene Expression Through ncRNAs
School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Nov 17, 2014 1230 - 1315 Lady Shaw Building, LT1 Professor Donald Grierson, Division of Plant & Crop Sciences, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Molecular & Hormonal Control of Gene Expression and Ripening in Tomato School of Life Sciences iCal File
Nov 13, 2014 1230 - 1315 Lady Shaw Building LT2 Professor Liu Hongbin, Associate Professor, Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology High diversity of picocyanobacteria Synechococcus in Hong Kong estuarine and coastal waters School of Life Sciences iCal File
Nov 6, 2014 1230-1315
Lady Shaw Building LT2
Professor Dong-Yan Jin
Department of Biochemistry
The University of Hong Kong
Fire and counter-fire in the battle between virus and host: Using PACT as an example School of Life Sciences
iCal File



Nov 5, 2014 1200 - 1300 SC 297

Dr Hanne Løvlie, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden



Dr Alex Hayward, Researcher, Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, Uppsala, Sweden



The Life of Chickens: Sexual Selection and Animal Personality





Causes and Consequences of Parasite Attack: A Phylogenetic Approach




School of Life Sciences iCal File
Nov 4, 2014 1430  SC 297

Dr. Chris Wing-cheung LEE, Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic Florida, USA

Targeting Frontotemporal Dementia - a neurodegenerative disease second to Alzheimer's disease

School of Life Sciences iCal File


Oct 30, 2014 1230 - 1315 LSB LT2

Professor Edwin Ho-Yin Chan
Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Developing a multi-disciplinary platform for Spinocerebellar Ataxia research School of Life Sciences, Molecular and Cellular Function Focus Group iCal File
Oct 27, 2014 1200 - 1300 SC 297 Professor Peter Pimpl, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, University of Tübingen, Germany 
Receptor-mediated Vacuolar Sorting: How Much Guidance is Needed? School of Life Sciences, RGC AoE Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function, Centre for Cell & Developmental Biology, Cell & Molecular Biology (CMB) Program iCal File
Oct 27, 2014 1600 SC 297 Dr Clement M Lee, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Oncological Sciences, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA The role of the motor protein KIF5B and the scaffolding protein JLP in proteasomal degradation of the oncoprotein c-MYC School of Life Sciences/ Cell and Molecular Biology Program/Centre for Cell & Developmental Biology/Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function  iCal File 
Oct 16, 2014 1230-1315
Lady Shaw Building, LT2
Professor Hon-Ming Lam
School of Life Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Genomic and Molecular Biology Studies of Stress Tolerance in Soybean School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Oct 9, 2014 1230-1315
Lady Shaw Building, LT2
Professor Yvonne Sadovy
School of Biological Sciences
The University of Hong Kong
Seafood Profile of Asia's 'World City'; past, present and possible future School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Oct 7, 2014 1200 - 1315 SC L2

Professor Knud J. Jensen, Nano Science Center and Center for Synthetic Biology, Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen


Cyclic and bicyclic peptides as therapeutic inhibitors School of Life Sciences iCal File
Sept 25, 2014 1230-1315
Lady Shaw Building, LT2
Professor Huating WANG
Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Identification and Functional Characterization of Long non-coding RNAs in
Skeletal Muscle Cells and Muscle Regeneration
School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Sept 18, 2014 1230-1315
Lady Shaw Building, LT2
Professor M. James C. Crabbe
Executive Dean
Faculty of Creative Arts, Technologies & Science
Professor of Biochemistry
University of Bedfordshire
Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Oxford
United Kingdom
Marine Biodiversity; coral reefs and environmental stressors School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Sept 11, 2014 1230-1315
Lady Shaw Building LT2
Dr. Terrence C.K. Lau,
Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Sciences, City University of Hong Kong
Small RNA in Pathogen School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Sept 8, 2014 1100-1200 SC297 Dr. Keith Crandall,
Director, Computational Biology Institute George Washington University, Virginia, USA
Computational Approaches to Biodiversity Informatics
School of Life Sciences
iCal File


Sept 5, 2014 1230-1315 SC L2

Professor Sanwen Huang,
Deputy Director General
Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Institute of Vegetables and Flowers Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Big Data and Cucumber Biology School of Life Sciences


July 7, 2014 1000-1100 SC 297

Professor Staffan Persson,
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany

A mechanism for sustained cellulose synthesis during salt stress School of Life Sciences iCal File


July 4, 2014
 1230-1330 SC L4

Professor Yijuang Chem, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

 A2A adenosine receptor, iPSC, and neurodegenerative diseases  School of Life Sciences
iCal File


April 14, 2014
1230 - 1315 MMW LT2

Professor Po Keung WONG, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Advances in Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Inactivation of BacteriaSeminar School of Life Sciences iCal File


April 3, 2014 1230 - 1315 MMW LT2

Professor PCK Wong, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Advances in Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Inactivation of Bacteria  School of Life Sciences  


Mar 15, 2014    

Li Xiangdong, State Laboratory of Argobiotechnolog, College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, PRC

  School of Life Sciences  


Mar 14, 2014 1430 - 1600 SC 297

Professor Ming LUO, Department of Microbiology, University of Alabama Birmingham, USA

Nucleocapsid of Negative Strang RNA Viruses Biochemistry Program, School of Life Sciences iCal File 




Mar 13, 2014 1030 - 1130 SC 297

Professor Xuemei CHEN, Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Gordon and Betty Moore Foundatio Investigator, Furuta Chair Professor and Professor of Plant Cell and Molecular Biology, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California at Riverside, USA

Plant MicroRNAs: Biogenesis, Turnover, and Modes of Action School of Life Sciences iCal File


Mar 11, 2014 1230 - 1315 BMS_G18

Professor Guo Dianjing, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Probing the role of H202 in plant development School of Life Sciences iCal File
Mar 5, 2014 1100-1200 SC 297 Prof. Yunde Zhao
Division of Biological Sciences
University of California at San Diego, US
Auxin Biosynthesis and Signal Transduction RCG AoE Centre For Organelle Biogenesis and Function, Centre for Cell & Developmental Biology, Cell & Molecular Biology Programme iCal File
Feb 20, 2014 1230-1315 MMW LT2 Dr. Rita P.Y. Chen
Associate Research Fellow
Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Protein Misfolding: Amyloid, Prion, and Neurodegenerative Diseases School of Life Sciences iCal File
Feb 17, 2014 1400-1500 SC 297 Dr. Michael Griffin
Research Fellow in Medicine
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, & Metabolism
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USA
Role of Early B-cell Factor-1 (Ebf1) in Adipocyte Inflammation School of Life Sciences iCal File
Jan 29, 2014 1630-1730 Lady Shaw Building LT1 Prof. Martin Chalfie
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2008
Green Fluorescent Protein: Lighting Up Life School of Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry iCal File
Jan 22, 2014 1100-1200 SC 297 Dr. Kang, Byung-ho
Associate Professor, and Director of Electron Microscopy and Bioimaging Laboratory, University of Florida, USA
Electron Tomography Analyses of Organelle Biogenesis School of Life Sciences iCal File
Jan 21, 2014 1230-1315 BMSB G18 (Ching Kai Hall) Prof. Lee Ming Ming Marianne
School of Life Sciences, CUHK
The Long and Short of Improving Distant Homology Detection School of Life Sciences iCal File
Jan 14, 2014 1400-1445 Lady Shaw Building LT5 Dr. Luo Haiwei
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, USA
The Use of Phylogenomics and Population Genetics to Make Sense of Marine Microbial Diversity School of Life Sciences iCal File
Jan 9, 2014 1230 - 1315 MMW LT2 Dr. Vengatesen Thiyagarajan
School of Biological Sciences
The University of Hong Kong
Will the Pacific oysters invade and attack Hong Kong by 2100? School of Life Sciences iCal File
Jan 3, 2014 1100 - 1200  SC 297  Dr Li Meng, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA  Microbes drive marine biogeochemical cycles: from single gene to the whole community  School of Life Sciences  iCal File


Building Abbreviations
BMS (Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building)
LHC (Y.C. Liang Hall)
LSB (Lady Shaw Building)
MMW (Mong Man Wai Building)
SC (Science Centre)
YIA (Yasumoto International Academic Park) 
Date Time Venue Speaker Seminar Title  Organizer iCalendar File  
Dec 29, 2015 1430 - 1530 SC 297 Professor Edward Yu, Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, USA Toxic metal ion export in bateria School lf Life Sciences iCal File
Dec 17, 2015 1200 - 1300
SC 297
Prof Keqiang WU
Institute of Plant Biology
National Taiwan University
Epigenetic regulation of gene expression by histone deacetylases in plants School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Dec 16, 2015 1430 - 1530
SC 297
Professor Eastwood Leung
Assistant Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
The Potential Contributions of
Protein Science to Biotechnology
School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Dec 10, 2015 1030 - 1130 SC 297

Prof. Federica BRANDIZZI
MSU Foundation Professor
Department of Plant Biology
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory
Michigan State University

The plant endoplasmic reticulum:
A vital network in harmony and defense

RGC-AoE Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function/Centre For Cell & Developmental Biology/Cell & Molecular Biology (CMB) Program iCal File 
Dec 10, 2015 0930 - 1030 SC 297 Prof Juan S Bonifacino, Cell Biology and Neurobiology Branch (CBNB), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child health and Human Development (NICHD), National Insitutes of Health (NIH)

Mechanisms and Functions of
Lysosome Positioning

RGC-AoE Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function/Centre For Cell & Developmental Biology/Cell & Molecular Biology (CMB) Program iCal File
Dec 8, 2015 1400 - 1715 LSB_LT1

Dr. Chun Kit KWOK
Croucher Fellow, Group of Prof. Shankar
Balasubramanian FRS FMedSci
University of Cambridge, Department of Chemistry
and Cancer Research UK(CRUK)

Deciphering the hidden codes in RNA:
Transcriptome-wide structure profiling
reveals novel regulatory features in plants
and humans

School of Life Sciences iCal File
Dec 9, 2015 1630 - 1730
Professor KANG Shaozhong
Academician Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)
西北旱区流域尺度水资源转化规律与节水调控模式 —以河西走廊
School of Life Sciences & Office of Academic Links, China
iCal File
Dec 4, 2015 1430 - 1530
Professor Hongwei Guo
Professor of College of Life Sciences
Peking University, China

Ethylene signaling, RNA decay and gene silencing

School of Life Sciences
iCal File


Dec 4, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Professor Cahir J O'Kane, Departmental of Genetics, University of Cambridge, UK

Roles spastic paraplegia genes in organisation of axonal endoplasmic reticulum: Relevance of a forgotten compartment to neurodegeneration?

School of Life Sciences - Polyglutamine Disease Collaborative Research Group Seminar Series iCal File 


Dec 3, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L5 Dr Xiaoxue Wang, Professor, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Environmental adaptation of marine bacteria mediated by DNA mutation and recombination

School of Life Sciences - Marine & Environmental Sciences Focus Group iCal File 


Nov 26, 2015 1230 - 1315 LHC Rm103 Dr Aixin Yan, Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

Functional Characterization of Bacterial Multi-Drug Efflux Pumps: Understanding Their Ubiquitousness in Bacterial Genomes

School of Life Sciences - Marine & Environmental Sciences Focus Group iCale File 


Nov 24, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Professor Jörg Kreuter, Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany

Brain Delivery of Drugs and Transport
Across the BBB by Nanoparticles:
Application to Anticancer drugs, NGF for
Stroke Treatment and Alzheimer/Parkinson

School of Life Sciences - Polyglutamine Disease Collaborative Research Group Seminar Series iCal File
Nov 4, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2

Dr. Karina Hall
Fisheries Resource Assessment Scientist
New South Wales Department of Primary Industries

Determining the status of eastern Australian cephalopod stocks School of Life Sciences - Marine & Environmental Sciences Focus Group
iCal File
Nov 3, 2015 1200 - 1300
Professor Chad A MIRKIN
Department of Chemistry and
International Institute for Nanotechnology
Northwestern University, USA
A Chemist’s Approach to Nanofabrication: Towards a ‘Desktop Fab’ Sunny I and Irene Chan Lecture in Chemical Biology 2015 iCal File
Oct 29, 2015 1500 - 1600 SC L2

Dr. Joanna C. Chiu
Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology and Nematology
University of California

Post-translational regulation of animal circadian clock School of Life Sciences - Food & Plant Sciences Focus Group
iCal File

Oct 29, 2015 1230 - 1315 LHC Rm 103

Dr. Sibum Sung
Associate Professor
Department of Molecular Biosciences
College of Natural Sciences
University of Texas at Austin

Coordinated epigenetic silencing by long noncoding RNAs  School of Life Sciences - Molecular & Cellular Function Focus Group iCal File


Oct 15, 2015 1230 - 1315 LHC Rm103

Professor Rudolf Wu, Honorary Professor, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong

Marine conservation and environmental management: A paradigm shift
School of Life Sciences in Marine & Environmental Sciences Focus Group iCal File 


Oct 8, 2015  1230 - 1315 LHC Rm103

Dr Zhao Yanxiang, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Modulation of Autophagy by the Beclin1-VPS34 Complex
School of Life Sciences in Molecular and Cellular Function Fonus Group iCal File


Sept 25, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L4

Professor M James C Crabbe, Senior Research Associate, Department of Zoology, Supernumerary Fellow of Wolfson College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

How fragile is our planet?  The impact of climate change on coral reefs and the people who depend on them
School of Life Sciences in Marine & Environmental Sciences Focus Group iCal File


Sept 24, 2015 1230 - 1315 LHC 103

Professor Li Ning, Professor, Division of Life Sciences, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Functional and quantitative phosphoproteomics in study of plant cell signaling School of Life Sciences in Food & Plant Sciences Focus Group iCal File 


Sept 17, 2015 1230 - 1315 LHC Rm 103

Dr Chih-Horng Kuo, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sincia, Taiwan

Genome evolution in symbiotic bacteria: Insights from arthropod-associated Sprioplasmasem School of Life Sciences in Marine & Environmental Sciences Focus Group iCal File


Sept 10, 2015 1230 - 1315 LHC Rm 103

Professor Liyuan Chen, Research Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Arabidopsis BPM Proteins Function as Substrate Adaptors to a CULLIN3-Based E3 Ligase to Affect Fatty Acid Metabolism in Plants
School of Life Sciences in Molecular and Cellular Function Focus Group iCal File
Sept 8,2015 1100 - 1200
Rm G02, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Bldg.
Area 39, CUHK
Professor Margareta Hammarlund-Udenaes
Professor of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Head, Translational PKPD Research Group
Uppsala University, Sweden
Challenges in Brain Drug Delivery - Pharmacokinetic and Methodological Aspects School of Life Sciences & School of Pharmacy Polyglutamine Disease Collaborative Research Group Seminar Series
iCal File
June 9,2015 1100 - 1200
SC 297
Dr. Manda YU
Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology,Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Shoveling “SNO”- Protein
S-nitrosylation as the Key Regulatory Mechanism in Plant Immunity
School of Life Sciences
iCal File
June 1,2015 1630 - 1730
Conference Room, 3/F, MMW
Dr. Ying-Ping Wang
Chief research scientist and team leader of land surface modeling
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Global Nutrient Limitation on Terrestrial Biosphere and its Implications Food and Plant Science Focus Group
& Earth System Science Joint Seminar
iCal File
May 19,2015 1230 - 1330
Professor Gianni Panagiotou
Systems Biology & Bioinformatics Group School of Biological Sciences
The University of Hong Kong
The Interplay Between Genome,
Metagenome and Exposome
School of Life Sciences
iCal File
May 18,2015 1100 - 1200 SC 297 Dr Cheng Tat Cheung
Boston University
Apoptosome structure and procaspase activation: a Cryo-EM perspective School of Life Sciences iCal File
May 7, 2015 1430 - 1630
Professor Leung, Thomas Yun-chung
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Development of Arginine-depleting Enzymes as Anti-cancer Drugs School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Apr 24, 2015 1630 - 1800
Professor Yigong Shi
Dean of the School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, China
Mechanisms of Programmed Cell Death through Structural Biology Department of Physics and School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Apr 23, 2015 1630 - 1730
LT1, Lady Shaw Building
Professor Yigong Shi
Dean of the School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, China
The Beauty of Life Sciences
CN Yang Lecture in Physics
iCal File
Apr 16, 2015 1230 - 1315
Professor Ho Kin Chung
Dean, School of Science & Technology, The Open University of Hong Kong
Micro-algae: From Harmful Algal Blooms To Beneficial Algal Biomass School of Life Sciences
iCal File


Apr 9, 2015 1230 - 1315

Professor Anderson O.L. Wong
School of Biomedical Sciences
The University of Hong Kong

Novel Pituitary Actions of TAC3 Gene Products in Fish Model School of Life Sciences
iCal File


Apr 2, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2

Professor Kwan Yiu Wa, School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mechanistic studies of the pleiotropic effects of simvastatin School of Life Sciences iCal File


Mar 26, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2

Professor Lo Clive SC, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

Recruitment of Cytochrome P450 enzymes for flavonoid biosynthesis in grasses School of Life Sciences iCal File


Mar 19, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2

Professor David Banfield, Division of Life Sciences, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Mechanisms of membrance protein retention in the Golgi
School of Life Sciences iCal File


Mar 12, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2

Professor Pei-Yuan Qian, Chair Professor, Division of Life Sciences, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Marine omics from microbes to invertebrates School of Life Sciences iCal File 
Mar 6, 2015 1230 - 1315
Professor Ng Wang Kit, Danny
Department of Biology
Hong Kong Baptist University
Genome hybridization and regulatory interactions in Arabidopsis polyploids School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Feb 26, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Dr Lau On Sun, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Biology, Stanford University, USA Stomatal development: from cell specification, environmental signaling to crop improvement School of Life Sciences iCal File  
Feb 12, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Professor Boon Leong Lim, Wallace, Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong How does energy supply affect plant physiology? Food and Plant Sciences Focus Group iCal File  
Feb 5, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Dr Doris W T Au, Associate Head & Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry, CIty University of Hong Kong The Story of Medaka: A Cross Disciplinary Model for Biomedical and Environmental Research Marine and Environmental Sciences, SLS iCal File  
Jan 22, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Dr Roger Wong, Research Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Ying and Yang of Energy Balance School of Life Sciences iCal File  
Jan 15, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Professor Kenneth M Y Leung, The Swire Institute of Marine Science & School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong Temperature-dependent chemical toxicity models and their implications on derivation of  water quality criteria and ecological risk assessment School of Life Sciences iCal File  
Jan 8, 2015 1230 - 1315 SC L2 Dr Shang-Te Danny Hsu, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Structural insights into co-translational folding on the ribosome and ribosome-associated molecular chaperone School of Life Sciences iCal File   


Building Abbreviations
BMS (Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building)
LHC (Y.C. Liang Hall)
LSB (Lady Shaw Building)
MMW (Mong Man Wai Building)
SC (Science Centre)
Date Time Venue Speaker Seminar Title  Organizer iCalendar File
Jan 9, 2014
1230 - 1315
Dr. Vengatesen Thiyagarajan
School of Biological Sciences
The University of Hong Kong
Will the Pacific oysters invade and attack Hong Kong by 2100? School of Life Sciences
iCal File
Jan 3, 2014 1100 - 1200  SC 297  Dr Li Meng, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA  Microbes drive marine biogeochemical cycles: from single gene to the whole community  School of Life Sciences  iCal File
Dec 9, 2013 1400 - 1500 SC 297 Professor Sheng YE, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Structural mechanism of hydrolysis-mediated conformational change of bacterial FtsZ protofilaments School of Life Sciences iCal File
Nov 28, 2013 1230 - 1315
LHC 103 Dr Shih Yu-Ling, Associate Research Fellow, National Taiwan College of Physical Education, Taichung, Taiwan Spatiotemporal organization of the MinCDE complex during cell division in E. coli School of Life Sciences iCal File
Nov 25, 2013 1100 - 1200 
SC 297 Dr Alaa El-Din Bekhit (PhD)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Food Science, University of Otago, New Zealand
In vitro meat: Is this the next big thing? School of Life Sciences  iCal file
Nov 19, 2013 1230 - 1315 SC L3 Dr Guang-Chao CHEN, PhD, Associate Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Taipei, Taiwan Regulation and function of autophagy - insights from Drosophila School of Life Sciences  
Nov 11, 2013 1400 - 1500 SC 297 Professor Hong MA, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, China  Transcriptional networks important for Arabidopsis another development  Centre for Cell & Developmental Biology, Cell & Molecular Biology (CMB) Program    iCal file
Nov 4, 2013 1100 - 1200 SC 297 Professor Jia LI, Director of School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University  BAK1 directly regulates brassinolide perception and BRI1 activation School of Life Sciences  iCal file
Nov 2, 2013 0855 - 1300 MMW LT1 See the attached seminar title SKL/IPMBAB Seminar Series 2013 State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (SKL)/Institute of Plant Molecular Biology and Agricultural Biotechnology (IPMBAB) iCal file
Nov 1, 2013 1100 - 1200 SC 297 Dr Yansong MIAO, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley Cell cycle regulation of actin cable dynamics School of Life Sciences  iCal file
Oct 31, 2013 1230 - 1315 LHC 103 Professor Wing Ngor Shannon Au, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Bacterial flagellar motor - a superb natural engine School of Life Sciences iCal file
Oct 25, 2013 1400 - 1630 SC 297 Professor Alan McHughen, UC Riverside, USA GMOs: Assessing their Safety Special SKL/IPMBAB  iCal file
Oct 8, 2013 1230 - 1315 SC L1 Professor Liwen JIANG, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Plant endocytosis and exocytosis School of Life Sciences  
Sept 26 (Thu) 1230 - 1330 SC 297 Dr Qiu Jian Wen, Associate Professor, Baptist University of Hong Kong Diving with Jiao Long (蛟龍號) to the Depth of South China Sea School of Life Sciences  
Sept 24 (Tue) 1230 - 1315 SC L1 Professor Zhong Silin, Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences Tissue specific hormone response and epigenome reporgramming School of Life Sciences  
Sept 19 (Thu) 1500 - 1630 Rm 128

Mini-symposium on New Technologies for Fuel Production in the 21st Century


1) Professor Sunney I Chan

2) Professor James C Liao

3) Professor Sunney I Chan and James C Liao



1) Catalysts for effecient oxidation of methane under ambient conditions: From enzymes to biommics

2) A tale of two butanols

3) Student Question and Answer: Future opportunities and careers for fuel production in the 21st Century.




School of Life Sciences

1) 1500 - 1530

2) 1530 - 1600

3) 1600 - 1630 


Sept 19 (Thu) 1230 - 1330 SC 297 Professor Ding Lanping, 海洋生物研究所, 汕頭大學 The reproductive diversity and environmental adaptability of two Codium species from China Sea School of Life Sciences  
Sept 17 (Tue) 1600 - 1700 SC297 Professor Bo LIU, Department of Plant BIology, College of Biological Sciences, University of California at Davis Cytokinesis in Plants: When Microtubules are In Charge School of Life Sciences  
Sept 12 (Thu) 1230 - 1315 LHC 106 Dr David M Baker, Assistant Professor, The Swire Institute of Marine Science, School of Biological Sciences & Department of Earth Science, The University of Hong Kong Nitrogen sources from developed shores cause coral reef decline School of Life Sciences  
Sept 4 (Wed) 1100 - 1200 SC297 Dr Regina Choy Wai Yan, University of California at San Francisco, USA Retromer mediates a discrete route of local membrane delivery to dendrites Centre for Cell & Developmental Biology  
July 31 (Wed)  1600 - 1700  SC297  Professor Sheng Luan, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA  Regulation of membrane transport by signaling networks in plants  Centre for Cell & Developmental Biology, Cell & Molecular Biology (CMB) Program   
July 16 (Tue)  1415 - 1615  SC297  Dr Hongbing Yao, Research Scientist, Department of Genetics, University of Texas Southwestern, Medical Center Dallas, Texas, USA  Saturated Fatty Acid-Induced Lipotoxicity  Biochemistry Programme   
July 9 (Tue)  1100 - 1200  SC297  Professor Zheng-Hui He, Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, USA Vitamin B6 in Ultraviolet B Signaling in Plants Centre for Cell & Developmental Biology, Cell & Molecular Biology (CMB) Program  
May 22 (Wed)  1050 - 1815  YIA LT3  Prof Paul BUT, Dr Joseph KL YIP, Prof De-yuan HONG, Dr David BOUFFORD, Prof De-zhu LI, Dr Qin-er YANG and Dr Gunter FISCHER Wu Jieh Yee Symposium School of Life Sciences   
May 20 (Mon)  1100 -1300  SC 297  Dr Calvin Yip, Assistant Professor, The University of British Columbia, Canada  Structural studies of membrane tethering complexes from major secretory pathways to autophagy  School of Life Sciences   
Apr 29 (Mon)  1430 - 1630  SC 297  Professor Eastwood, Hon-Chiu LEUNG, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine; Director, Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Core Facility, Baylor College of Medicine  Deep and Wide Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Proteomics Discovery  Center for Soybean Research, SKL Agrobiotechnology Program, School of Life Sciences   
Apr 24 (Wed)  1100 - 1200  SC 297  Dr Enrique Rojo, National Center for Biotechnology, Madrid, Spain  Characterization of the IYO-ART Cell Differentiation Switch  Cell & Molecular Biology (CMB) Program   
Apr 23 (Tue)  1230 - 1315  SC 297  Professor Ting Fung CHAN, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong  RNAomics in biology and human diseases  School of Life Sciences   
Apr 11 (Thu) 1430 - 1530  SC 297  Professor Qifa ZHANG, National Key Lab of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhang, China Understanding reproductive isoloation based on the rice model Cell & Molecular Biology (CMB) Program   
Apr 10 (Wed) 1400 - 1641 SC 297  Clink a link of the Seminar Title at the right next column  Centre for Soybean Research - First Meeting  Sate Key Laboratories  
Apr 9 (Tue)  1230 - 1315  MMW LT2  Professor Tan Baocai, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong  Cracking the codes of making a seed in maize  School of Life Sciences   
Mar 18 (Mon)  1200 - 1245  SC L1  Professor Sir Tom Blundell FRS, FMedSci, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, UK and Honorary Professor, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong    Genomes, Structural Biology and Drug Discovery  School of Life Sciences   
Mar 15 (Fri)  1100 - 1150  SC 297  Professor Inhwan Hwang, Department of Life Science, POSTECH, Korea  Adaptors for clathrin-coated vesicles in post-Golgi trafficking in plant cells  Cell & Molecular Biology (CMB) Program   
Mar 11 (Mon)  1430 - 1614 

LHC 104 

Dr Silin Zhong, HFSP Research Fellow, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Cornell University  Epi-genomics, a new opportunity for plant bioengineering: "A case study of tomato fruit development and epigenome reprogramming"  School of Life Sciences   
Mar 5 (Tue)  1230 - 1315  MMW LT2  Professor Michael Kenneth Chan, Director, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong  New Technologies for Engineering Proteins and Micromolecular Assemblies  School of Life Sciences   
Feb 19 (Tue) 1230 - 1315  MMW LT2  Dr Tsoi Ho, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong  Polyglutamine Diseases: From basic research to therapeutic development  School of Life Sciences   
Jan 31 (Thu)  1230 - 1315  SC L1  Professor Jerome Hui Ho Lam, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong  How organisms evolve?  A story on homebox genes and microRNAs regulation  School of Life Sciences   
Jan 11 (Fri) 1230 - 1315  SC L2  Professor Gourisankar Ghosh, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California San Diego, USA Mechanism of IkappaB Kinase (IKK) Activation  School of Life Sciences