Our Signature

As our logo implied, the FNS Division in CUHK (CUFNS) is a unique one with oriental characteristics. The two words [Nutrition] and [Eating] as embedded in the bowl of rice with a pair of chopsticks signify the traditional relationship between food and nutrition/health in our Chinese history. In fact, the concept that food and medicine are of the same origin has long been recognized in ancient Chinese.

Our Vision

To be recognized as a well-known first-class regional institution that excels in both research and teaching in the areas of food and nutritional sciences.

Our Missions

To provide a high quality education and knowledge-based training to students on modern food and nutritional sciences with an emphasis on oriental cultural background and perspectives;

To provide research and development expertise to enhance and sustain the competitiveness of the Hong Kong food industry and health/nutrition professions and business;

To serve the Hong Kong society by educating the general public the importance of food and nutrition so that people can have a healthy life-style.

Our History

CUFNS was established in 1994 as a joint programme of the Department of Biology and the Department of Biochemistry of CUHK. In 2009, the School of Life Sciences was established and CUFNS has been being one of the affiliated programmes to the School of Life Sciences since then.

Our Courses

CUFNS is one of the universities in Hong Kong that provides education in food and nutrition at the levels of undergraduate and postgraduate. At present, we offer a full-time Bachelor degree of Science (BSc) in FNS, a full-time Master-Doctoral (articulated) degree of Philosophy (MPhil-PhD) by research, as well as a full-time/part-time Master degree of Science (MSc) by coursework in FNS.

Career Aspects

With the emerging awareness of food safety and nutritional problems in our society, the demand of these areas of expertise and manpower is increasing. Employment opportunities for our graduates are excellent. These include personnel in quality assurance, production, research and development in the food industry; scientific officers, dietitians, health inspectors and technicians in the HKSAR Government; academia and teachers in the University and educational sector; nutritionists and consultants in the healthcare business

Hong Kong as a well developed city, citizens here are more and more concerned about the healthy diets, food qualities and food safety. In fact, the rapid advancement of food-related industries and a growing professional in food and nutrition pose many new challenges and opportunities. These developments have created an increasing demand for graduates who can collect, interpret, evaluate and communicate information on food and nutrition-related matters to a wide variety of groups including the food industries, catering services, health authorities and the general public.

In response to the needs, The Chinese University of Hong Kong introduced the Bachelor of Science and Master of Philosophy degree programme in Food and Nutritional Sciences since 1994. From 2005, we started offering the Master of Sciences degree programme for further professional development. We provide specialized training in different aspects of food and nutritional sciences, in order to equip our students with the skills required in food and catering industries as well as public health services, focusing on the growing concern in food safety and healthy eating, so as to improve the life quality of mankind. These programmes are now offered under the School of Life Scineces and are directed at local, mainland and overseas entrants.