繁體 | 简体 | ENG
Structure and Duration Structure and Duration
Full Time Full Time
Part Time Part Time 
Teaching Staff Teaching Staffs
Languages of Instruction Languages of Instruction
Programme of Study Programme of Study
Assessment & Graduation Assessment & Graduation
Assessment & Graduation Course & Unit Exemption
Potential Entrants Potential Entrants
Admission Requirements Admission Requirements
Tuition Fees Tuition Fees
Application Application
TPg Fellowships Scheme TPg Fellowships Scheme (Eng Only)
ProgrammeSpecial Features

For our Hong Kong society to advance, we need to build a healthy and caring society. Protecting and promoting the health of the people and assuring the safety and quality of food are therefore some of our society's prime concerns. Health is a personal resource that affects our collective community well being as well as each individual's own personal pathway through life. 

Because food is a key determinant of health, food safety and health are inextricably linked. In other words, while selecting our food to meet energy and nutrient requirements is essential, food safety and quality are also important. However, in addition to focusing on improving production, processing, storage and distribution of food, an integration of basic and applied food and nutrition science is encouraged. This would meet the current challenges of the growing burden of non-communicable disease resulting from changing diet and lifestyle coupled with the lessons learned from recent microbiological and other challenges to food quality and safety. These challenges place a great demand on government agencies, food industry and other organizations in both the public and private sectors for continuing improvement of new and healthier, safer food products and ultimately for effective food and nutrition policies.

The advance in food science and technology and nutrition research has lead to the emergence of new methods of food production, as well as new nutrition and health issues. Therefore, people who are working in related fields or preparing to do so need to equip themselves with more advanced knowledge to meet these new challenges. However, courses addressing both areas of food and nutritional sciences are lacking in Hong Kong. 

Our M.Sc. programme is the first of its kind focusing on the multidisciplinary interface of food science and human nutrition. It will provide in-depth, up-to-date and practical knowledge in food science, food technology and nutrition. Specific topics of public relevance will also be addressed. Students will have the chance to undertake research in either nutrition or food science and technology in order to obtain more exposure in their area of interest, consolidate their research skills for further development and maximize scientific progress.

繁體 | 简体 | ENG
Structure and Duration 架构及修业期
Full Time 全日制
Part Time 兼读制
Teaching Staff 师资
Languages of Instruction 授课语言
Programme of Study 修读科目
Assessment & Graduation 评核及毕业
Assessment & Graduation 学课及学分豁免
Potential Entrants 适合报读人士
Admission Requirements 入学资格
Tuition Fees 学费
Application 申请办法
TPg Fellowships Scheme TPg Fellowships Scheme (Eng Only)
学部主任: 曾淑莹 教授
职位: 食品及营养科学课程主任
学历及专业资格: Ph.D. in The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B.Sc. in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (1st Class Honor)

繁體 | 简体 | ENG
Structure and Duration 架構及修業年期
Full Time 全日制
Part Time 兼讀制
Teaching Staff 師資
Languages of Instruction 授課語言
Programme of Study 修讀科目
Assessment & Graduation 評核及畢業
Assessment & Graduation 學課及學分豁免
Potential Entrants 適合報讀人士
Admission Requirements 入學資格
Tuition Fees 學費
Application 申請辦法
TPg Fellowships Scheme TPg Fellowships Scheme (Eng Only)
學部主任: 曾淑瑩 教授
職位: 食品及營養科學課程主任
學歷及專業資格: Ph.D. in The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B.Sc. in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (1st Class Honor)

繁體 | 简体 | ENG
Structure and Duration Structure and Duration
Full Time Full Time
Part Time Part Time 
Teaching Staff Teaching Staffs
Languages of Instruction Languages of Instruction
Programme of Study Programme of Study
Assessment & Graduation Assessment & Graduation
Assessment & Graduation Course & Unit Exemption
Potential Entrants Potential Entrants
Admission Requirements Admission Requirements
Tuition Fees Tuition Fees
Application Application
TPg Fellowships Scheme TPg Fellowships Scheme (Eng Only)
ProgrammeSpecial Features
Programme Director: Prof. Faye Tsang
Position: Programme Director, Food and Nutritional Sciences Programme
Professor, School of Life Sciences

Academic and Professional

Ph.D. in The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B.Sc. in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (1st Class Honor)