DREAM Programme (Press release on 16 Oct. 2011)


Homecoming for CUHK Life Sciences Students Pursuing Their Summer DREAM

A homecoming ceremony was recently held for 15 undergraduate and postgraduate students from the School of Life Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) who participated in its summer DREAM (Dedicated Research Exchange and Mentorship) internship programme this year. The students finished their research projects on various interesting scientific topics such as seafood allergy, cancer-related proteins, biofuel etc at top overseas universities and institutions, including Harvard University, University of California at Berkeley, University of Tübingen and Academia Sinica. In the ceremony, they shared their research projects and their eye-opening experiences gained from the DREAM programme with other school members.

Qu Dan, a forth-year biochemistry student who went to Harvard Medical School in the DREAM programme, said, ‘It’s my honour to work in the Furie’s lab at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) of Harvard Medical School. Barbara Furie and Bruce Furie, the co-chiefs of the Hemostatis and Thrombosis Division at BIDMC, are two of the world’s most renowned scientists in the field of blood coagulation and thrombosis. Under the supervision of Prof. Huang Mingdong and Dr. Lin Lin, who are both structural biology experts, I’ve learnt some advanced technology of protein expression methods including the Drosophila S2 expression system. During my exchange in Boston, I’ve not only participated in the most advanced research in hemostasis and thrombosis by attending the weekly lab meetings, but also expanded my horizon in various aspects of life sciences by talking to other outstanding scientists from all around the globe during leisure hours. This invaluable experience has opened up my eyes and strengthened my aspiration to pursue a career in scientific research.’

Prof. Chu Ka-hou, Director of the School of Life Sciences, remarked, ‘The School of Life Sciences is committed to providing ample training opportunities for our students beyond the classrooms. The DREAM programme is one of such initiatives and has proved to be very successful in promoting research and the pursuit of excellence among our students.’

Established by the Department of Biochemistry in 2006, the DREAM programme has been opened for application to all students of the School of Life Sciences since it came into being in 2010. The programme aims to provide opportunities for year one and year two students to conduct scientific research projects in laboratories at prestigious institutes overseas, and to increase their exposure to the frontiers of life science research. Before embarking on their research journey, students will be coached by supervisors in the School to learn the basic techniques and background information related to the projects they are going to participate in.

Since the programme was launched, more than 40 students have been sent to overseas institutes around the world, including reputable universities such as Harvard University, University of California, Mayo Clinic, University of Toronto, and Imperial College London. The programme has been a great success. Many participated students have published papers in highly-cited international journals, while some were offered scholarships to pursue a PhD, or invited to spend a year as exchange students at their host institutions.

中大生命科學學院學生 赴海外頂尖機構參與研究
圓「夢」回港 分享深刻體驗

香港中文大學(中大)生命科學學院日前舉行了慶祝儀式,歡迎十五位參加DREAM(Dedicated Research Exchange and Mentorship)暑期實習計劃的本科生和研究生從海外圓「夢」歸來。參加是次實習計劃的學生於暑假往海外著名大學和機構,包括哈佛大學、加州大學伯克萊分校、圖賓根大學和中央研究院等,參與各種有趣的科研項目,如有關海鮮過敏、癌症相關蛋白、生物燃料等研究。他們在慶祝典禮上與其他學院成員分享參與是次計劃的難得經驗及成果。

生物化學課程四年級生曲丹在本年DREAM計劃中到哈佛醫學院參與研究,她說:「我很榮幸能夠在哈佛醫學院Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center的Furie實驗室工作。這個實驗室的首席研究員,Barbara Furie和Bruce Furie是血液凝固和血栓形成研究領域中世界知名的科學家。在黃明東教授和林琳博士兩位結構生物學專家的指導下,我學習了最先進的蛋白表達技術,包括果蠅S2表達系統。通過參加每週一次的實驗室會議,我了解到更多有關止血及血栓形成研究的最新發展;透過工餘時間與來自世界各地的優秀科學家的交流,也讓我更深入了解生命科學的不同範疇。這次寶貴的經驗不但讓我大開眼界, 更加強了我將來投身科研的決心。」



自DREAM計劃推出以來,已有超過 40名學生前赴世界各地的科研機構及著名大學進行研究,如哈佛大學、加州大學、梅奧診所、多倫多大學和倫敦帝國學院。計劃非常成功,不少曾參加計劃的學生於知名的國際期刊上發表論文,有些學生則獲獎學金往實習院校攻讀博士學位,或被邀請作為期一年的交換生。

Dream2011 press -1Prof. Ng Cheuk-yiu (middle, front row), Dean of Faculty of Science,
and Prof. Chu Ka-hou (third right, front row), Director of School of Life Sciences

Dream2011 press -4Prof. Chu Ka-hou, Director of School of Life
Sciences, delivers a welcoming speech

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DREAM students shared their experience on Summer Interships

  Dream2011 press-2

Qu Dan, a forth year biochemistry student, and her lab-mates in Harvard Medical School