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16 Jan. 2025  Nutritionist Stream: Briefing Session (for students admitted in 2021-22 and thereafter)
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10 Nov. 2020 Nutritionist Stream: Briefing Session (for students admitted in 2020-21) Video
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Nutritionist Stream

The Nutritionist Stream (FNS-NS) is a study stream in the Food and Nutritional Sciences Programme (FNS). It is designed for students who want to obtain practical experience before graduation and interested in practicing as a Nutritionist after graduation. Recently, FNS-NS has obtained the recognition from the UK Association for Nutrition (AfN), and is the first and the only AfN accredited program in Hong Kong.


  • Only the Nutritionist Stream in FNS (FNS-NS) is an accredited program.
  • Students admitted in 2021-22 and thereafter will be eligible to apply for Registered Associated Nutritionist (ANutr) through the direct entry route within 3 years of graduation.
  • Date accreditation was granted on 30th April 2021. Date due for reaccreditation: 30th April 2026. Date current accreditation ends: 30th April 2026.
  • This study stream does not provide practical training in clinical nutrition. Therefore, further study and training in dietetics are needed to become a registered dietitian.


Programme structure and curriculum

Students must complete: (1) the compulsory courses required by the Science Faculty and SLS, (2) the general education courses, and (3) the 19 FNS core courses. While students are free to select the elective courses, the elective courses cannot replace the core courses. Students in FNS-NS must follow the fixed study pattern.

Year 1 : Faculty package and GE courses
Year 2 : SLS foundation courses, GE courses, and introductory FNS core courses
Year 3 : FNS core courses
Year 4 : FNS core courses, internship and practicum
Details of FNS-NS study pattern can be found on CUSIS

To ensure students complete all the coursework, internship and practicum, students in this study stream must fulfill all the graduation requirements before taking part in an exchange programme; that is, in the summer of the final year of study.

Entry Requirements

  1. 1st year GPA ≥3.3;
  2. IELTS 6.5 with no individual sections ˂ 6.0;
  3. Obtained a grade ≥C in FNSC2005; and
  4. A satisfactory interview result.


Steps to enroll in FNS-NS

  1. To declare FNS as the major of study in 1st year
  2. To file an application for FNS-NS at the end of the year 2 study
  3. Interview
  4. Suitable students are selected into the stream; students denied may enroll in the general FNS programme or other programmes in the School of Life Sciences.


For enquiries, please contact Ms. TSE Pui Shan (Project Coordinator) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


繁體 | 简体 | ENG
Structure and Duration 架构及修业期
Full Time 全日制
Part Time 兼读制
Teaching Staff 师资
Languages of Instruction 授课语言
Programme of Study 修读科目
Assessment & Graduation 评核及毕业
Assessment & Graduation 学课及学分豁免
Potential Entrants 适合报读人士
Admission Requirements 入学资格
Tuition Fees 学费
Application 申请办法
TPg Fellowships Scheme TPg Fellowships Scheme (Eng Only)
编号 科目名称 学分
FNSC5110 食品特性 3
FNSC5210 食品加工技术及食品生物工程 3
FNSC5120 营养及非传染病的挑战 3
FNSC5220 营养与免疫 3
FNSC5430 食品安全及毒理学 3
FNSC5320 营养生理学 3
FNSC5420 应用营养学 3
必修科目 (专题研究)
编号 科目名称 学分
FNSC6313 专题讨论及研究(一) 3
FNSC6413 专题讨论及研究(二) 3
FNSC 5430 食品安全及毒理学 (3 学分) (选修科目)


  • 食品安全、个人及环境卫生、食品安全法例及食品卫生管理
  • 毒理学的基本概念
FNSC 5110食品特性 (3 学分) (选修科目)


  • 食品的化学、物理及微生物学特性
  • 分析食品的化学及微生物学方法
  • 食品的品嚐试验
FNSC 5210食品加工技术及食品生物工程 (3 学分) (选修科目)


  • 食品加工及防腐之原理
  • 崭新的加工技术
  • 食品生物技术


FNSC 5120营养及非传染病的挑战 (3 学分) (选修科目)


  • 营养及非传染病
  • 营养及食疗
  • 公众健康及营养政策
FNSC 5220营养与免疫(3 学分) (选修科目)


  • 人类在不同阶段的营养需要
  • 营养与基因的相互反应
  • 营养与免疫
FNSC 5420 应用营养学 (3 学分) (选修科目)


  • 健康、营养及体重控制
  • 功能性食品的研究与开发
  • 传统中草药的营养
FNSC 6313专题讨论及研究(一)(3 学分) (必修科目)


FNSC 6413专题讨论及研究(二) (3 学分) (必修科目)


FNSC 5320 营养生理学 (3 学分) (选修科目)



繁體 | 简体 | ENG
Structure and Duration 架構及修業年期
Full Time 全日制
Part Time 兼讀制
Teaching Staff 師資
Languages of Instruction 授課語言
Programme of Study 修讀科目
Assessment & Graduation 評核及畢業
Assessment & Graduation 學課及學分豁免
Potential Entrants 適合報讀人士
Admission Requirements 入學資格
Tuition Fees 學費
Application 申請辦法
TPg Fellowships Scheme TPg Fellowships Scheme (Eng Only)
編號 科目名稱 學分
FNSC5110 食品特性 3
FNSC5210 食品加工技術及食品生物工程 3
FNSC5120 營養及非傳染病的挑戰 3
FNSC5220 營養與免疫 3
FNSC5430 食品安全及毒理學 3
FNSC5320 營養生理學 3
FNSC5420 應用營養學 3
必修科目 (專題研究)
編號 科目名稱 學分
FNSC6313 專題討論及研究(一) 3
FNSC6413 專題討論及研究(二) 3
FNSC 5430 食品安全及毒理學 (3 學分) (選修科目)


  • 食品安全、個人及環境衛生、食品安全法例及食品衛生管理
  • 毒理學的基本概念
FNSC 5110食品特性 (3 學分) (選修科目)


  • 食品的化學、物理及微生物學特性
  • 分析食品的化學及微生物學方法
  • 食品的品嚐試驗
FNSC 5210食品加工技術及食品生物工程 (3 學分) (選修科目)


  • 食品加工及防腐之原理
  • 嶄新的加工技術
  • 食品生物技術




FNSC 5120營養及非傳染病的挑戰 (3 學分) (選修科目)


  • 營養及非傳染病
  • 營養及食療
  • 公眾健康及營養政策
FNSC 5220營養與免疫(3 學分) (選修科目)


  • 人類在不同階段的營養需要
  • 營養與基因的相互反應
  • 營養與免疫
FNSC 5420 應用營養學 (3 學分) (選修科目)


  • 健康、營養及體重控制
  • 功能性食品的研究與開發
  • 傳統中草藥的營養
FNSC 6313專題討論及研究(一)(3 學分) (必修科目)


FNSC 6413專題討論及研究(二) (3 學分) (必修科目)


FNSC 5320 營養生理學 (3 學分) (選修科目)



繁體 | 简体 | ENG
Structure and Duration Structure and Duration
Full Time Full Time
Part Time Part Time
Teaching Staff Teaching Staffs
Languages of Instruction Languages of Instruction
Programme of Study Programme of Study
Assessment & Graduation Assessment & Graduation
Assessment & Graduation Course & Unit Exemption
Potential Entrants Potential Entrants
Admission Requirements Admission Requirements
Tuition Fees Tuition Fees
Application Application
TPg Fellowships Scheme TPg Fellowships Scheme (Eng Only)
ProgrammeSpecial Features
Programme of Study
Students must complete 6 out of 7 elective courses and 2 required courses (directed research project) for graduation.
Elective Courses:
Code Course Title Unit
FNSC5110 Chemical, Physical and Microbiological Characteristics of Food 3
FNSC5210 Food Processing Technology and Food Biotechnology 3
FNSC5120 Nutrition and the Challenge of Non-communicable Disease 3
FNSC5220 Nutrition and Immunity across the Life Span 3
FNSC5430 Food Toxicology and Safety 3
FNSC5320 Nutritional Physiology 3
FNSC5420 Applied Nutrition 3
Required Courses (Directed Research Project)
Code Course Title Unit
FNSC6313 Directed Research and Seminar I 3
FNSC6413 Directed Research and Seminar II 3
A total of 24 units are required for graduation.
FNSC 5430 Food Toxicology andSafety (3 Units) (Elective)

Food can be contaminated with naturally occurring toxicants and/or man-made chemicals that have adverse health effects to humans at any stage of its production and handling. The objective of this course is to gain knowledge on the key concepts and principles of food safety and toxicology. Students are expected to develop an understanding of the nature and properties of the toxic substances in foods as well as the nature and magnitude of the hazard they represent to humans, with the aim of preventing health risks due to food intake. Topics on food safety include food hygiene, food poisoning, food legislation and food safety control systems. Topics on food toxicology include its general principles, biochemical and physiological mechanisms of action of food toxicants, and methods for food safety assessment. Emphasis will be placed on the evaluation of current issues in food safety toxicology including risk assessment and management.

  • Basic concepts of Toxicology
  • Food safety, personal and environmental hygiene, food safety regulation and food hygiene management
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FNSC 5110 Chemical, Physical, and Microbiological Characteristics of Food (3 Units) (Elective)

This course applies the knowledge of the physical and chemical behavior of food components in the context of food manufacturing and storage, with emphasis on both safety and nutritional attributes. It also aims at developing chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses to assess the quality and safety of foods.

  • Chemical, Physical and Microbiological Properties of Food Components
  • Advanced Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Food
  • Sensory Evaluation of Food
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FNSC 5210 Food Processing Technology and Food Biotechnology (3 Units)(Elective)

This course reviews the causes of food spoilage and quality loss. Principles and effects of traditional food processing and food preservation technology on food quality will be covered. New and emerging processing technology will also be covered. The course highlights the latest industrial applications of food biotechnology with emphasis on the production of food and food products through molecular biology, bioprocess engineering and microbial biotechnology.

  • Principles of Food Processing and Preservation
  • Emerging Processing Technology
  • Food Biotechnology
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FNSC 5120 Nutrition and the Challenge of Non-communicable Disease (3 units)(Elective)

This course is directed to students and health care professionals who require more in-depth nutritional knowledge for their work. The course will emphasize the therapeutic nutrition in modification of the nutrients or other aspects of a normal diet to meet a person's nutritional needs during an illness. The course consists of three modules:

  • Public Health and Nutrition Policy
  • Nutrition and Non-Communicable Diseases
  • Nutrition and Diet therapy
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FNSC 5220 Nutrition and Immunity across the Life Span (3 units)(Elective)

The course is designed to meet the expanded needs of a broad spectrum of students with varying nutritional background. It covers nutritional needs at different stages of human development, nutrient-gene interaction, diet and human immune function, and food allergies. Three modules are:

  • Marco & Micronutrients
  • Nutrition across the Life Span
  • Nutrition and Immunity
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FNSC 5420 Applied Nutrition (3 units)(Elective)

This course presents applied aspects of nutrition with emphasis on weight management, functional foods, and nutritional values of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, with a view to enhance health status and quality of life. Each of these modules addresses a specific issue that is the interest of public and presents the progress in these exciting new researches. Three modules are:

  • Fitness, Nutrition and Weight Management
  • Research and Development in Functional Foods
  • Research and Development in Functional Foods
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FNSC 6313 Directed Research and Seminar I (3 units)(Required)

In this course, students will undertake a research project or review a topic of their choice in areas of either nutrition or food science and technology under the supervision of a faculty member. Each student is required to submit a written progress report about his or her research on completion of the course.

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FNSC 6413 Directed Research and Seminar II (3 units)(Required)

In this course, students will undertake a research project or review a topic of their choice in area of either nutrition or food science and technology under the supervision of a faculty member. The results of the research or literature review will be presented in a seminar and be formally written in the form of a final report.

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FNSC 5320 Nutritional Physiology (3 units)(Elective)

Nutrient Metabolism
Diet & Disease

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