The Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute (2011) |
Structure-based Screening and Design of Ligands for Protein Targets
12-15 Dec, 2011.
[ Details ] [ Photo Gallery]
Lecture by Dr. Venki Ramakrishnan, Nobel Laureate, to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Biochemistry |
7 January, 2011.
Title: |
Structural basis of decoding of mRNA by the ribosome |
Speaker: |
Speaker:Dr.Venki Ramakrishnan, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2009. |
[ Photo Gallery] |
International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) 2010 competition: Celebration Party & Press Conference |
24 Nov, 2010.
[ Photo Gallery ] [ Details]
2010 Hong Kong Inter-University Biochemistry Postgraduate Symposium |
15 May, 2010.
[ Photo Gallery]
The Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute (2009) |
Structure-based Screening and Design of Ligands for Protein Targets
14-19 Dec, 2009.
[ Details ] [ Photo Gallery]
A talk was given by an eminent scientist on 8 January, 2009. |
Title: |
My Experiences in Academic and Industry |
Speaker: |
Dr. Richard J. Roberts Nobel Laureate.Director of Research, New England Biolabs Inc., USA Doctor of Science, honoris causa, CUHK. |
[ Details ] |
Eminent scientist speaks on the structure and function of ribosome on 7 January, 2008. |
Title: |
What we have learned from structures of the ribosome |
Speaker: |
Dr. Venki Ramakrishnan, FRS - Member of EMBO and Member of National Academy of Sciences, USA |
[ Photo Gallery] |
International Conference in Structural Biology--2007 |
19-22 Nov, 2007.
[ Website ] [ Photo Gallery ]
Research Postgraduate Students' Publication Awards |
Congratulations to the winners of our "Research Postgraduate Students' Publication Awards" for:
(2005-2006) Mr Yu Zhifeng, Miss Xiao Ying, Miss Geng Hua, Miss Huen Ngar Yee, Mr Lui Chun Kin Julian and Mr Ho Yiu Fung.
(2006-2007) Miss Cheung Sao Fong Crystal (Grand Prize), Mr Tang Ming Kuen Patrick, Miss Ho Sai Man, Mr Lui Chun Kin Julian and Mr Lin Peng
(2007-2008) Miss Ho Tsz Wan, Michelle, Miss Mak Nga Sze Amanda, Miss Ye Lan
(2008-2009) Ms Ho Tsz Wan, Ms Ong Chik Ying
(2009-2010) Ms Lam Wai Ling, Ms Lam Ka Yee, Ms Jiao Rui

[ 2005-2006 ] [ 2006-2007 ] [ 2007-2008 ] [ 2008-2009 ]
Undergraduate Academic Awards |
2005-2006 Awardees Former Chairmen's Academic Award |
2006-2007 Awardees Former Chairmen's Academic Award |
2007-2008 Awardees |
Former Chairmen's Academic Award
Prof. CY Lee's Academic Award: Mr. Gan Quan, Alfred & Mr. Zhang Shaofei, Michael
Prof. Walter Ho's Academic Award: Ms. Chow Wan Ning, Vanessa
Prof. Ma Lin's Academic Award: Mr. Chan Wai Hon Biochemistry
Alumni Association Scholarship: Ms. Chow Wan Ning, Vanessa
Biochemistry Alumni (1977) Award for Distinguished Final Year Research Project
Photos (2009-10) |
「蠅基因研究」 課程主題 :果蠅特攻隊 |
- 遺傳密碼 DIY
- 遺傳學與您
- 「蠅」擊遺傳病
- 行為學模「蠅」
簡介: 本課程將帶領學員探索遺傳學的世界,並首次以「果蠅」作主題。 近百年來,果蠅在遺傳學、藥物開發、甚至醫學研究方面,都扮演著相當 重要的角色,並且成為多位諾貝爾獎科學家的研究對象。課程內容包括 短講、參觀、小組討論及科學實驗。學員將親身體驗果蠅研究的震撼成果。 您也可以成為一位少年科學家呢!
Outstanding CUHK Biochemistry Students Awarded Doctoral Training at NIHs (27 September 2006) |
Two brilliant MPhil graduates of the Department of Biochemistry of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) joined The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) of The National Institutes of Health (NIHs), USA for their doctoral training in 2006 and be involving in frontier biomedical research.
Kit-man Tsang and Albert Cheung, both having received their Master of Philosophy degree this summer, were selected for a Graduate Partnership Program (GPP) leading to a PhD degree to be awarded by CUHK in Hong Kong. The GPP is a joint program offered by NIHs and CUHK. Students will spend roughly one year at CUHK for course work and three years at NICHD to conduct research. NICHD will sponsor their stay in the United States.
NIHs is the world’s premier biomedical research organization. Thousands of first-rate scientists, among them many Noble laureates, at the NIHs conduct research in basic and clinical biomedical sciences in more than 23 Institutes and Centers (e.g. NICHD and National Cancer Institute). At the moment, over 200 graduate students from prestigious universities worldwide such as John Hopkins University and Oxford University are now working in NIHs laboratories. In Asia, CUHK is NIHs’ first partner to provide such training. The first CUHK PhD candidate under the Program, Ms Jenny Cheung is expected to receive her PhD next year.
Since its inception in 1971, the Department of Biochemistry of CUHK has striven for excellence in teaching and research. In the past 35 years, the Biochemistry Department trained more than 400 MPhil and PhD graduates.
Professor Fung Kwok-pui, Chairman of Biochemistry, said the selection of candidates to join the GPP is very strict and competitive. Candidates should have a solid background on the knowledge and experimental skills of their research projects, good academic achievements and recommendations, and outstanding performance during the selection interview. Other than providing quality training for our students, the Department stands to gain in this Program by having a closer relationship with one of the world's most prestigious biomedical research establishment.
[ Chinese version ]
Second Anniversary Symposium of The Croucher Laboratory for Human Genomics (11 Sept 2006) |
生化系致力普及科學 (2003 and 2006) |
蠅擊遺傳病 (5.3.2006) Prof. Edwin Ho-Yin CHAN 陳浩然教授 [ Brochure ] [ Photo Gallery ] |
相信大家應該到過街市吧!經過賣水果的攤檔,定會看過不少圍繞著水果飛舞的小昆蟲 - 果蠅。這些看似微不足道、時常為一般人所忽略的果蠅,其實早於一個世紀之前,已被科學家選擇為生物研究的對象。今天,科學家更利用果蠅作為藥物開發研究的工具。真想不到,看似「害蟲」的果蠅,竟在醫學研究上,有這麼大的貢獻呢! |
有益的「害蟲」- 果蠅(Jun - Oct 2003) Prof. Edwin Ho-Yin CHAN 陳浩然教授 [ Brochure ] [ Photo Gallery ] |
生物化學系與香港科學館本月十日起合辦「有益的『害蟲』 ── 果蠅」科學展覽,形式包括專題展板、實物展覽、影片播放及電腦遊戲。開幕禮由生物化學系系主任何國強教授及香港教育學院科學系高級講師楊友源博士主持。 生化系為提高大眾對科學的興趣,了解生物化學的研究,特與香港科學館合作,介紹以「果蠅」為主題的科研。早於一九一零年,科學家已利用果蠅研究人類的疾病。果蠅的體積雖小,卻擁有與人類相似的器官及結構,包括眼睛及精細的腦袋。科學家在果蠅的基因圖譜中找到超過三分之二的人類致病基因;而帶病的果蠅亦會出現與人類相似的病徵。科學家已從果蠅身上找出不少引致糖尿病的重要基因,以及可抑壓神經退化的基因。 展覽於尖東科學館二樓展覽廳「科訊廊」舉行,展期至八月底。 |

The Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute (2003 &2005) 香港中文大學生物化學系主辦高級研習班 探討蛋白質科學最新發展 (2003 and 2005) |
香港中文大學生物化學系獲裘磋基金會資助,聯同一些本地的大學於香港中文大學校園舉辦蛋白質科學高級研習班;透過演講、訓練班和交流會,使香港科研人員對最新的蛋白質科研和技術的發展有更深入的認識,特別是一些與疾病有關的蛋白質研習班邀請各地的著名學者來港講學,其中包括一九九三年諾貝爾醫學獎得主Richard Roberts博士講授如何利用電腦科技發掘新的蛋白質。 蛋白質科學高級研習班的網址為:
(Year 2003)。 (Year 2005)。
香港中文大學生物化學系的研究人員在研究資助局的資助下,剛完成克隆所有SARS病毒中的基因,有關工作將有助於明白SARS病毒的感染及傳播機理。在這些基因表達出來的蛋白當中,最有趣的要算是蛋白殼蛋白:研究人員發現,不論是SARS病人血清中的抗體或滅活SARS病毒在小鼠中產生的抗體,皆能在實驗室大量合成及提純的蛋白殼蛋白準確辨認。另外又發現基於SARS病毒結構而合成的蛋白質,亦能辨認被SARS病毒感染的細胞。這眾多的成果,定有助於設計更有效的SARS病毒快速測試及更符合經濟效益和安全的疫苗,以預防SARS疫症的重臨。 |
The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Visiting Professorship Scheme ( 2004) |
In honour of the tireless commitment of Sir Edward Youde to education, the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund was established in April 1987 under the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Ordinance to manage public donations made in memory of the late Governor. In recognition of the need to provide more opportunities for education and cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and the global academic community, the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund has since 1995/96 sponsored eminent members of the overseas academia to conduct lectures locally and to explore the possibility of undertaking research with local tertiary institutions.
The Biochemistry Department hosted a Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Visiting Professorship Scheme in 2004 titled "Model Organism Research and Human Diseases". Dr. Cahir O'Kane, the visiting professor, is Reader in Genetics at the University of Cambridge UK.
This scheme aimed to: 1) raise the awareness of model organism research in Hong Kong and surrounding Asian regions, and 2) facilitate interactions between researchers (principal investigators and postgraduate students) who use different organisms as models for research, through which scientific ideas can be exchanged, and multi-disciplinary research collaborations can be catalyzed.
A Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Postgraduate Conference 2004 titled "Model Organism Research and Human Diseases" was held on 14 and 15 June 2004 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Eight overseas invited speakers, and over 70 local and overseas postgraduate students presented their research work at the conference.
This conference aimed to provide a forum for local and overseas researchers (both postgraduate students and principal investigators) to discuss the applications of various animal models in life science / biomedical research, and to raise the awareness of model organism research in Hong Kong. The conference will mainly focus on two major human disease-related areas: cell cycle regulation and cancer, and neurosciences.
 [ SEYMF website ] [ Photo Gallery]
CUHK sets up The Croucher Laboratory for Human Genomics (2004) |
[ Photo Gallery] |
CUHK sets up The Croucher Laboratory for Human Genomics The Chinese University of Hong Kong established The Croucher Laboratory for Human Genomics today in the Mong Man Wai Building on campus, bolstering the advanced study of genes at the University. The Laboratory is one of the Croucher laboratories set up at various universities in Hong Kong, and named after Noel Croucher in recognition of the Foundation's support for science over the last 25 years. The Chinese University of Hong Kong is grateful to the Croucher Foundation for its generous donation of over 80 million dollars for the support of excellence in science and technology in the University over 25 years.
The Laboratory was founded on the achievements of the Laboratory of Human Genomics, as the result of close collaborations among a number of researchers. Scientists working in the Laboratory have recently made important discoveries on the functional characteristics of human genes including those important to liver cancer development and the cardiovascular systems. In collaboration with colleagues at the Prince of Wales Hospital, the same group of scientists also sequenced the SARS virus genome during the SARS outbreak last year. More details of the Laboratory could be found in the web site:
The opening ceremony for The Croucher Laboratory for Human Genomics was held on 19 November, preceded by a poster session and followed by a workshop on the theme "Genomics: Past & Future". The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Croucher Foundation, Professor Y.W. Kan, FRS, as well as other members of the Board will also be present. Officiating at the ceremony were Professor Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of the University and Professor Fok Tai-fai, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University.
生化系蛋白質研究獲獎 ( 2004) |
生物化學系的「肝癌細胞中RhoC及Rab14蛋白的功能分析」研究,獲得國際人類蛋白質組組織頒發海報論文獎二等 該組織的宗旨是協調世界力量去詳細分析人體內全部蛋白質,其第三屆世界大會於十月二十五至二十七日在北京國際會議中心舉行,與會者超過一千五百人,包括多位諾貝爾獎得獎人。會議主題為「蛋白質組:基因組的解碼」,參賽海報逾千份,可說是人類生命科學的奧運會。 生化系獲獎的研究由韋妙宜教授(圖)主持,成員包括馮國培教授、徐國榮教授,以及研究生劉綺琳和楊子麟。讀者可上網(網址為了解詳細資料。 |
Combining CUHK's Excellence in Biochemistry and NIH Research Strength Joint Graduate Partnership Program Launched for Local PhD Candidates (12 December 2003) |
The Department of Biochemistry of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) of The National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA, jointly offer a Graduate Partnership Program (GPP) leading to a PhD degree awarded by CUHK in Hong Kong. Students enrolled in GPP will spend one year at CUHK for work and three years at NICHD, participating in research work in the center. CUHK is NIH's first partner in Asia of the program.
NIH is a world's premier biomedical research organization. Thousands of investigators at the NIH conduct research in basic and clinical biomedical sciences in more than 20 NIH Institutes and Centers such as NICHD and National Cancer Institute. These investigators including many Nobel laureates work in unparalleled research facilities on cutting edge projects. NIH has partnered with many notable institutes such as Boston University, John Hopkins University and Oxford University and been training over 200 graduates in NIH laboratories. In Asia, CUHK is the only partner to provide such training to our graduate students, which is a recognition of the excellence in research and teaching of the Department of the Biochemistry, CUHK.
Since its inception in 1971, the Department of Biochemistry of CUHK has striven for excellence in teaching and research. In the past 32 years, the Department trained more than 300 MPhil and PhD graduates. In recent years, the number of postgraduate students has increased over two-folds. There were about 10 MPhil students each year before 1997. Now the number has doubled. The spectrum of careers is also very wide. Some will join prestigious institutes as teachers or post-doctorals. Some will join the industry or government, continuing their biomedical research. Last year, our research on 'Traditional Chinese Medicine' was chosen by the University Grant Council, HKSAR, as an area of excellence in research. In addition, 'Genomics' and 'Fish Molecular Biology' are also recognized as strategic research areas in the Department. [ Chinese Version ]
[ Photo Gallery ] |
CUHK Licenses Novel Orange Fluorescent Protein (2003) |
Professor David Wan of the Department of Biochemistry and his post-graduate student Denis Ip discovered the novel orange fluorescent protein in tube anemone. It is the first native orange fluorescent protein ever cloned, and has an emission maximum lined at the orange color region of the visible light spectrum. The protein addresses the research need for a red-shifted fluorescent protein and will be an extremely useful tool for tracking and quantifying biological entities in the fields of biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular biology, cell biology and medical diagnosis complementing fluorescent proteins from other sources currently employed.
Professor Wan said "It is gratifying to know that our discovery will be made widely available through Stratagene's range of fluorescent protein products. I look forward to working with the company on the further development of this technology." With this license, Stratagene is extending its line of fluorescent proteins, which currently features VitalityR hrGFP Mammalian Expression Vectors. [29 July 2003]
Summer Events |